Podcasting Tips

Embed Your Podcast for More Downloads

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A guaranteed way to get more downloads for your podcast is to make sure it’s been made widely available to everyone. Alongside distributing your show to the major (and minor) listening platforms, it’s also recommended to have an accompanying podcast website and even newsletter! Sharing your podcast with as wide an audience as possible is […]

Podcasting Tips

How to Select the Best Hosting Platform for You

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Close to the beginning of the 3rd Millennium (circa early 2000s), what would become modern podcasting began to bloom. Folks from all over the world started sharing their thoughts, opinions, and voice recordings across the World Wide Web. Many of these proto-podcasters “self-hosted” their blogging shows. Soon, RSS 2.0 took flight and various platforms popped […]


Guide to Podcast Movement 2023

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Everything you need to know about this stellar industry-wide conference; from what to expect, to 2023 highlights, to even after the event, we’ve got you covered! What is Podcast Movement anyways? You can probably guess from the title that it’s a conference all about podcasting. From their own mission statement, “Podcast Movement educates, informs, and […]

Podcasting Tips

Should You Post Your Podcast on YouTube?

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The very short answer is “Yes, absolutely.” But you may be wondering why it’s a good idea to delve into the world of video podcasts. Let us be your quick guide! YouTube boasts an impressive audience in the billions. More and more listeners are finding their way over to the video platform to listen and […]

Podcasting Tips

How to Start Your Own Podcast

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The time is always right to start a podcast! According to Pew Research, “… the share of Americans who listen to podcasts has substantially increased over the last decade.” Podcasts are an excellent way to share your passions, build your personal brand, and bring in some additional income. It can be overwhelming to start, though. […]