Podcasting Tips

How to Select the Best Hosting Platform for You

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Close to the beginning of the 3rd Millennium (circa early 2000s), what would become modern podcasting began to bloom. Folks from all over the world started sharing their thoughts, opinions, and voice recordings across the World Wide Web. Many of these proto-podcasters “self-hosted” their blogging shows. Soon, RSS 2.0 took flight and various platforms popped […]

Podcasting Tips

How to Get the Most Out of Dynamic Insertion

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Dynamic Insertion is an incredibly powerful tool. With it, you can insert your own promotions, call-to-actions, announcements, and more, all with the click of a few buttons! Most podcasters are familiar with our Dynamic Insertion Technology through their use of RAP (the RedCircle Ad Platform) but its capabilities go far beyond blending ads into your […]

Podcasting Tips

Should You Post Your Podcast on YouTube?

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The very short answer is “Yes, absolutely.” But you may be wondering why it’s a good idea to delve into the world of video podcasts. Let us be your quick guide! YouTube boasts an impressive audience in the billions. More and more listeners are finding their way over to the video platform to listen and […]

Podcasting Tips

Podcast Live Shows 101

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Summer is in full swing! And a great way to celebrate summer is to connect with your audience through a live show (or a whole tour!) Live shows not only provide an opportunity for you to connect with your audience, but serve as yet another source of revenue through ticket sales, merch sales, and sponsorships. […]

Podcasting Tips

How to Create a Home Podcast Studio

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You’ve started your podcast and set a plan to grow. What next? Why not elevate your recording space by creating your very own home studio!  Recording studios help to cut down on external noise, give you a dedicated place to get in the mindset of recording, and provide an impressive backdrop for any live recordings […]

Podcasting Tips

How to Start Your Own Podcast

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The time is always right to start a podcast! According to Pew Research, “… the share of Americans who listen to podcasts has substantially increased over the last decade.” Podcasts are an excellent way to share your passions, build your personal brand, and bring in some additional income. It can be overwhelming to start, though. […]

Podcasting Tips

How to Get the Most Out of Your Podcast Analytics

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Analytics are an excellent, and often underrated, way to deeply understand your audience. Our analytics provide you valuable insight into who you listeners are, how they prefer to listen, and much more. But the data doesn’t stop there! We give you information on your diverse earnings, your advertisers, and all your other partners. We want […]

Podcasting Tips

The Dos and Don’ts of Co-Hosting a Podcast

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Starting a podcast is great. Starting a podcast with a friend is even better! Partnering with someone to create a show benefits you, your co-host, and your podcast in a myriad of ways. You help keep each other accountable and motivated, your different perspectives and skills add balance, and you each have strengths that help […]