
Happy International Podcast Day!

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Every year on September 30th, the podcasting world comes together to celebrate the power of podcasts and the audio medium. There are millions of podcasts bouncing around the web today. Sharing thoughts on every conceivable human interest. The term ‘podcasting’ caught on in 2004 with the introduction of the Apple iPod, but the audio medium […]


Minute Media Partners with RedCircle

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The leading technology and digital content company chooses RedCircle to host and monetize their lineup of 200+ podcasts RedCircle is excited to announce that global media company Minute Media has signed an exclusive contract with them to host, distribute, and monetize their slate of podcasts. Two years ago, Minute Media and its stable of brands […]


Take your podcast operations to the next level! Introducing Custom Audio and improved Audio Blocks

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Continuing with our Dynamic Insertion updates, we’re thrilled to announce our completely updated Audio Blocks and brand spanking-new Custom Audio feature! Just like with the improved Insertion Points Editor, we heard all your feedback and made exciting changes to the Audio Blocks feature. Let’s jump in! What’s New? The entire Audio Blocks feature underwent significant […]

Podcasting Tips

Remote Recording is the Future

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By Arielle Nissenblatt, Community Manager at The backstory When I got into the podcast space, I didn’t expect to become a creator. I started a newsletter that shared podcast recommendations with listening enthusiasts around the world. I still run that newsletter to this day. I’m a HUGE fan of consuming entertainment through my ears. […]

Podcasting Tips

5 Ways to Make Podcasting Easier

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Written by Lindsay Harris Friel It’s not hard to make a podcast. It’s difficult to make a good podcast. Some folks buy a microphone and dive in head first, only to spend days editing afterward. Others labor in the planning stage, overthinking every decision and never publishing. You do have to try it, make mistakes, […]