Podcast Advertising

Podcast Advertising for Small Businesses

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Podcast advertising has emerged as a powerful medium for businesses to reach their target audience and build awareness. It’s not just the big places that can participate, though, small businesses can also leverage podcast advertising to boost their reach and grow their customer base. Did you know that one-third (32%) of American adults listen to […]

Podcast Advertising

Podcast Advertising Trends in 2023

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Podcast advertising has been on a meteoric rise in recent years, and with 2024 on the horizon, it shows no sign of slowing down. More people than ever are tuning in to their favorite podcasts, and advertisers are seizing the opportunity to connect with engaged and loyal audiences. Let’s explore the ever-growing podcast industry together! […]

Podcast Advertising

How to Ace Your First Ad Read

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You’ve made it to 500 average weekly downloads, you’ve opted in to RAP, and now you’ve received your first Host-Read Ad opportunity. First thing first, pat yourself on the back for landing your first ad read! How do you make sure you knock it out of the park, though? Easy! Keep reading this guide for […]