Podcast Advertising

Podcast Advertising for Small Businesses

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Podcast advertising has emerged as a powerful medium for businesses to reach their target audience and build awareness. It’s not just the big places that can participate, though, small businesses can also leverage podcast advertising to boost their reach and grow their customer base. Did you know that one-third (32%) of American adults listen to […]

Podcasting Tips

How to Pick a Topic for Your Podcast

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You’ve gathered your tech materials, figured out where you’re going to host, and have practiced your intro into your hairbrush every morning since. But now you’ve come to realize that you don’t exactly know what you’re going to podcast about. You know you want to podcast, but you’re not entirely sure what you want to […]

Podcasting Tips

Embed Your Podcast for More Downloads

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A guaranteed way to get more downloads for your podcast is to make sure it’s been made widely available to everyone. Alongside distributing your show to the major (and minor) listening platforms, it’s also recommended to have an accompanying podcast website and even newsletter! Sharing your podcast with as wide an audience as possible is […]