Podcasting Tips – RedCircle Blog https://redcircle.com/blog Be Heard Tue, 05 Dec 2023 01:37:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://redcircle.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/favicon-32x32-1.png Podcasting Tips – RedCircle Blog https://redcircle.com/blog 32 32 Are You Stopping Yourself from Podcasting? https://redcircle.com/blog/are-you-stopping-yourself-from-podcasting/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=are-you-stopping-yourself-from-podcasting Tue, 05 Dec 2023 16:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=823 The idea of podcasting has been floating around your mind for quite some time, but you’re always hesitating whenever you think about sitting down to record. The words perch on your tongue but seem to fizzle into the ether as soon as a microphone appears. Sound familiar? There are a few reasons why you might […]

The post Are You Stopping Yourself from Podcasting? appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

The idea of podcasting has been floating around your mind for quite some time, but you’re always hesitating whenever you think about sitting down to record. The words perch on your tongue but seem to fizzle into the ether as soon as a microphone appears. Sound familiar?

There are a few reasons why you might be stopping yourself from starting your podcasting journey. Maybe you’re unsure what equipment would be best to use, or you’re not sure if you have time in the day to record, or maybe you’re worried that it won’t work out the way you envisioned. All of these what-ifs are what’s stopping you from podcasting. Don’t worry, though, we’re here to help you defeat the doubts!

Overwhelmed by Technology

We get it, there are dozens and dozens of equipment and software dedicated to podcasting. Of course, it can be overwhelming to figure out which one is the right fit for you! Many beginner podcasters falsely believe that they need top-of-the-line recording equipment and editing software to just get started. It’s no secret that you don’t! Really, you just need a computer (or even a tablet) that’s capable of editing and a microphone that’s able to capture your voice.

You can use what’s already at your fingertips to start creating content. Plenty of podcasters, even currently well-known ones, started recording with whatever they could get their hands on. You don’t need to shell out hundreds of dollars to share your voice with the world. But, if you’re looking for some recommendations, we do have a few in our blog post here (including free ones!)

Finding the Time

Time is a scarce commodity these days, so it’s understandable that it may cause some hesitancy. We always have something to do, whether that be work or relaxation, our time is valuable. But that doesn’t mean it’s completely impossible to find a bit of time in the day to dedicate to podcasting. Especially if it’s something that you’ve been wanting to do for a while!

The key to finding time is to be okay with small moments. As we covered in our blog post, How to Start Your Own Podcast, there’s more work than you might expect that goes into creating a podcast. Not only recording and editing, but planning, researching, and practicing play an essential role in crafting an amazing podcast. This isn’t meant to discourage, but rather, to help understand the small moments in your routine where you can spend time working on your podcast. During your commute, you could edit your script or practice what you want to say, or on weekends when you have a breather you could spend a few minutes editing aspects of your podcast. Sneaking time in your day to focus on your podcast can help you cross the finish line.

Nothing beats dedicated time, though. If you’re able to, then finding a set time each week to sit down and really focus will make a world of difference. Hobbies and projects require committed time in order to see the light of day. Each of us has time in our day for what we deem as important. Mark your podcast as one of those priorities!

The Perfect Fit

With a sea of other shows, it can seem intimidating to share your work. But no one else has your voice, your opinions, and your unique outlook on life. Many beginner podcasters can get stuck at this stage – what’s the right thing to talk about? There’s no magic answer for what topic to cover, but we can share a secret with you; pick something you love and just go from there.

You don’t need to find the perfect topic, the perfect artwork, the perfect words, you just need to find something you are passionate about and speak on it. Your sincerity will pour through your listeners’ speakers if you choose something you care about.

Julie Cameron, the author of The Artist’s Way, puts it, well, perfectly: “Perfectionism thrives on comparison and competition. It doesn’t know how to say, ‘Good try,’ or ‘Job well done.’ The critic does not believe in creative glee–or any glee at all, for that matter.” It can be all too easy to look at other podcasters and compare your work to theirs. And doing so can create quite a discouraging effect. It may even stop you from trying at all.

Fear of Failure

Perfectionism couples almost too well with the fear of failure. A major obstacle for podcasters, and many other types of creators, is the fear of failure. The fear that what they put into the world is not going to unfold in the way they want, in a way they perceive as “successful.”

However, reframing the idea of failure can combat the very idea of fear. You might have heard it said before, but it bears repeating, there is no such thing as failure. You had the courage to share your ideas with the rest of the world and that in itself is success. If what you created isn’t exactly as you had hoped, then treat it as the learning experience it is! You learned how to craft, record, edit, and market a podcast. Those are indispensable skills that can carry you on to your next project. Just because one idea didn’t work out the way you thought it would doesn’t mean the next one won’t! And even better, you have that whole experience under your belt. You’re not starting from square one anymore.

Failure is scary, but it doesn’t have to be. If you’re passionate about podcasting, about the topic you’ve chosen, and proud of the work you’ve done, then it’s anything but a failure!

Podcasting is a wonderful journey for those who choose to embark on it. Don’t stop yourself from being one! Challenge yourself and sign up today!

The post Are You Stopping Yourself from Podcasting? appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

The Podcaster Gift Guide https://redcircle.com/blog/the-podcaster-gift-guide/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-podcaster-gift-guide Tue, 21 Nov 2023 17:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=795 The holidays, and sales, are just around the corner! Struggling to figure out what to get the podcaster in your life? Or perhaps the podcaster lover in your life? Look no further! We’re here to guide you on the best types of gifts to get podcasters and podcast lovers alike. Equipment They’ll Love There’s a […]

The post The Podcaster Gift Guide appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

The holidays, and sales, are just around the corner! Struggling to figure out what to get the podcaster in your life? Or perhaps the podcaster lover in your life? Look no further! We’re here to guide you on the best types of gifts to get podcasters and podcast lovers alike.

Equipment They’ll Love

There’s a surprising amount of tech podcasters can use to up their recording game. Most podcasters start simple – a mic and a computer. But they can always benefit from accessories that help to improve the sound of their recordings and make it easier to make their show.


An essential part of recording a podcast is the microphone. Chances are that the podcaster in your life has a microphone, but consider these options for those who are using their computer microphones or a beat-up headset.

Recording Software

Another essential part of creating a podcast is the recording software. There are plenty of free options available, but purchasing a gift subscription or gift card to purchase one of these professional tools.

  • Logic Pro: An Apple product. We recommend purchasing an App Store Gift Card in order to gift this tool.
  • Adobe Audition: An Adobe product. We recommend purchasing and setting up an account for the recipient.
  • Reaper: Reaper provides a code to be used once purchased. Simply forward the code to the recipient! (We recommend entering the recipient’s name and email address when purchasing, if possible.)
Hosting Platform

One last essential piece to hosting a podcast is finding it a home on the web. Hosting Platforms, like RedCircle, allow folks to upload and share their content with the world!

To purchase a subscription, you most likely will need to create an account in their name and set up the subscription. (RedCircle’s subscriptions are set to auto-renew, so be sure that the recipient cancels before the date of renewal.) 


Podcasters use headphones to monitor their sound levels and audio quality in real-time when recording. It also helps to keep the more distractible folks on track during recording sessions. At the very least, you want to select headphones that are comfortable and have good audio quality.

  • Audio Technica offers both wired and wireless headphones that are comfortable and of great quality. Headphones range from $50 USD to $350+ USD. Their Studio headphones in particular are great for podcasting!
  • Sennheiser is another comfortable and stylish option (and a personal favorite of some folks on the RedCircle team!) Prices range from $50 USD to $500+ USD.
  • Sony is also a wonderful option for podcasting and other media like video games and video recording. You can pick up super budget-friendly $20 headphones or splurge on some $300+ ones. However, we recommend going with the oh-so-comfy WH (wireless) models.
  • Apple Airpods are also a great option (seems like almost everyone has a pair or two!) Prices for AirPods go from about $130 to $550.
Pop Filters & Windscreens

These clip-on accessories help to significantly reduce noise from plosive speech. Though windscreens are typically meant for outdoor noises, they can be helpful when recording indoors, too.

Pop filters typically attach to desks and sit in front of the microphone while windscreens look like foam microphone covers.

Neither of these accessories are ultra-expensive, so they’re worth the small investment. You can find them on Amazon, Best Buy, and other places that specialize in tech.

Microphone Stands

While it’s possible to record an entire episode holding up a microphone, it’s way less comfortable of a position. There are some mics that are able to stand up on their own, so that’s always an option instead.

Similar to pop filters and windscreens, mic stands aren’t terribly expensive and can help to elevate their podcasting setup. You can find suitable stands on Amazon, Best Buy, and any other place that specializes in tech.


A mixer helps to create much higher-level audio as it allows better control of the input of each mic hooked up to it. It also helps to reduce the time spent editing as it can adjust the volume right on the fly. It can even add sound effects during the recording!

Here are some of the most popular options:

  • RødeCaster Pro – Wildly popular with podcasters, the RødCaster Pro series offers a good deal of features to improve audio.
  • Focusrite – In particular their Scarlett series, which is generally popular among musicians and podcasters alike, is a great option to control voice levels and make it sound much brighter.
  • Mackie – A legendary brand in sound and audio design offers a host of pro-level products. Not only do they often set the standard for products, their prices can range from budget-friendly $70 USD to network-deep-pockets $800. There’s an option for every type of podcaster.

Show Your Support

Another fantastic way to share the holiday cheer is to donate or subscribe to your podcast friends’ shows! RedCircle offers the ability to donate directly to your favorite show or purchase a subscription to unlock Exclusive Content.

This also makes a great gift for the podcast lover in your life! If they enjoy a specific podcast and it offers exclusive content, consider purchasing a subscription for that podcaster to gift to the listener. On RedCircle, we recommend making an account and purchasing directly from there. Then, simply share the login information and pass the account over to the recipient. (RedCircle’s exclusive content subscriptions are set to auto-renew, so be sure that the recipient cancels before the date of renewal.)

There are plenty of ways to celebrate the holidays this year with podcasters and listeners alike! Take advantage of Black Friday deals and gift them something they’ll love!

The post The Podcaster Gift Guide appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Should You Use AI for Podcasting? https://redcircle.com/blog/should-you-use-ai-for-podcasting/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=should-you-use-ai-for-podcasting Tue, 14 Nov 2023 16:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=787 AI has been making waves across the internet for the past couple of years, most notably OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Dall-E tools which have opened new doors into content creation. While some are weary of the introduction of AI, it can be quite a powerful tool in a creator’s arsenal. AI tools can be used to […]

The post Should You Use AI for Podcasting? appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

AI has been making waves across the internet for the past couple of years, most notably OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Dall-E tools which have opened new doors into content creation. While some are weary of the introduction of AI, it can be quite a powerful tool in a creator’s arsenal.

AI tools can be used to enhance and optimize a podcaster’s workflow, making it that much easier to focus on the creative side of podcasting. Let AI take care of the more tedious tasks so you have more time to dedicate to your own unique creative process!

Use AI to Help with Your Written Content

The beauty of AI lies in its ability to handle tedious tasks. For some, writing may not be a tedious task, but AI can be an incredible tool for those who struggle with stringing together the right words.

Podcasters can easily take on the written word with the help of AI tools. They can be used to create episode descriptions that excel in SEO or transcribe entire audio files in only a few seconds. Podcasters can use AI tools to write succinct show notes by providing their own rough drafts. AI acts as an editor of sorts; reviewing your work and updating it to your specifications. It can help you save time by taking care of this type of work.

Use AI to Help Generate and Explore Ideas

AI is more than a glorified search engine. It can help you to generate content ideas for your episodes and even conduct in-depth research on topics you’re interested in covering. Instead of sifting through the information yourself, your AI helper can craft outlines for your ideas and even provide the footnotes. Ask it what topics your audience demographics are most interested in learning about, or if it can create an outline for your episode to help get you started. You can even ask it what topics of interest are trending for your specific podcast category.

It’s an excellent tool to utilize when you’re feeling stuck as it can help you to get over that dreadful creative block!

Use AI as a Virtual Assistant

Assisting humans with organization is AI’s bread-and-butter. You can use AI’s impeccable memory and time management to help keep you on track. Have it create to-do lists, editorial calendars, and more to help you spend less time fretting over the details and focusing more on the quality of your content.

AI is a fantastic tool to help with podcasting, but it’s just that – a tool. The key to podcasting is creating a connection between yourself and your listeners. As much as AI can help us unlock our creativity, it’s not a replacement for the humans behind the microphones. Don’t be afraid to leverage AI to help make podcasting easier, just be sure to keep in mind that you are what makes your podcast unique and wonderful!

The post Should You Use AI for Podcasting? appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

How to Interview Guests for Your Podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-interview-guests-for-your-podcast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-interview-guests-for-your-podcast Tue, 24 Oct 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=766 Interviewing guests on your show is a marvelous way to introduce more perspectives on your topic, reach a wider audience, and network within the podcasting industry!  There are really only upsides to inviting a guest to speak on your show. Having a guest on your show does require some forethought, though. Not only do you […]

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Interviewing guests on your show is a marvelous way to introduce more perspectives on your topic, reach a wider audience, and network within the podcasting industry!  There are really only upsides to inviting a guest to speak on your show.

Having a guest on your show does require some forethought, though. Not only do you want to ensure an entertaining episode for your audience, you also want to make sure it’s a pleasant experience for the guest! These tips should help you to prepare and pull off an unforgettable episode!

Before the Interview

The best piece of advice we can offer is preparation. Preparing goes beyond compiling a list of questions, it means diving into your guests’ works and truly understanding the value they bring to your topic. 

Research Your Guest

Be sure to do your homework! Research your guest: what works have they accomplished? What are their opinions on the subject? What have others said about them? Diving deeply into your guest and their work can help you craft questions that explore the chosen topic at length. 

Check out some of their other interviews for ideas, too. Listening to previous interviews your guest has given allows you to form more unique and interesting questions. Avoid the ones asked over and over again, and instead focus on something less explored. This won’t only be a treat for your listeners but for the guest too!

Mind Your P’s and Q’s

Once you’ve done your research, you’re well-prepared to compile your list of questions. You want to think of the interview as a story; you and your guest are constructing a story together, one that will captivate your collective audience. So, choose questions that allow for good back-and-forth. Open-ended questions work best for this rather than yes/no ones. The latter type of question doesn’t leave much room for conversation!

It’s also vital to keep in mind that you don’t ask any “leading” questions. These types of questions (sometimes) subtly direct the guest to give a desired answer. You want the interview to be an authentic exchange.

And finally, dig into the why and how of an answer. Go beyond hearing that your guest accomplished something, ask them how they did it and what drove them to do so. Digging deeper creates a much richer discussion that will have your listeners hanging on to every word.

Don’t forget to share the questions with your guest before the interview so they have time to think them over!

Do a Little Self-Promo

You’re not the only one who should be prepared! Brief your guest on your show: let them know what you’re about, what subject you’re exploring, and the demographics of your audience. Giving them that information upfront allows them to tailor their answers to your audience. 

During the Interview

Hopefully, you’ll be well-prepared by the time the interview rolls around! With your list of questions in hand, you’re ready to conduct an amazing interview with your guest. But before you rush on with the questions, allow your guest to get comfortable with you and your audience. Joke with them or ask how they’ve been doing lately. Give them space to be a real person with thoughts other than the subject you’re discussing. This also helps your audience quickly get to know your guest and feel connected with them in the same way they connect with you.

Once your guest is comfortable, you can jump into your questions! Remember, you and your guest are collaborating on a story together. You’re weaving a tale where they play a major role. In addition to asking the right questions, you need to make sure you’re actively listening to their answers, not just nodding along and moving on to the next question on your list. 

Being an active listener can also help to keep the interview as authentic as possible. Don’t be afraid to stray away from your prepared list of questions if a particular answer piques your interest. Ask follow-up questions to help expand the thought and get to the heart of it.

After the Interview

Even though the interview is winding down, there are still some final things to complete. First and foremost, be sure to thank your guest for taking the time to speak with you! This can be done verbally after you stop recording, or a quick email expressing your gratitude, or even a small gift (if it’s relevant to the show or their work.) Thanking your guests is key if you want them to be a guest again, or even to recommend their peers appear on your show.

Give your guest time at the end of the interview to promote their work to your audience. Be sure that they share their social media handles, website, or any other contact information so your audience can follow them, too.

Lastly, when uploading the podcast to your hosting platform, be sure to add in your guest’s information in your show notes. Link to their website, their socials, or any other relevant links so your audience can easily find them. Encourage your guest to post about the episode in their own social media circles to increase listenership, too.

Inviting folks to guest on your show can be a wonderful experience for your audience, your guest, and yourself! It’s a worthwhile way to inject freshness into your podcast and expand your audience. With these tips, you’ll be an interviewing champ in no time!

The post How to Interview Guests for Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

How to Pick a Topic for Your Podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-pick-a-topic-for-your-podcast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-pick-a-topic-for-your-podcast Fri, 13 Oct 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=739 You’ve gathered your tech materials, figured out where you’re going to host, and have practiced your intro into your hairbrush every morning since. But now you’ve come to realize that you don’t exactly know what you’re going to podcast about. You know you want to podcast, but you’re not entirely sure what you want to […]

The post How to Pick a Topic for Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

You’ve gathered your tech materials, figured out where you’re going to host, and have practiced your intro into your hairbrush every morning since. But now you’ve come to realize that you don’t exactly know what you’re going to podcast about. You know you want to podcast, but you’re not entirely sure what you want to tell your audience. Sound familiar? If so, then it sounds like this article may be just the thing you need.

In order to have a successful podcast, you need to make sure that it’s planned thoughtfully. A part of planning your podcast is coming up with the topic you want to spend time on. So, let’s dive in and help you discover your topic!

Passion Above All Else

Growing up, you may have heard the famous quote, “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” from the adults in your life. The same can be applied to podcasting; talking about a subject you’re passionate about can carry your podcast to incredible heights.

Think about what piques your interest. What makes you stop in the middle of your day and really go, huh? Ask yourself why you want to podcast. What’s the thing burning inside you that you just have to share with the rest of the world?

Looking inward and discovering what’s important to you will help you find your perfect topic. An engaged and passionate host creates an engaged and passionate community of listeners!

Testing the Waters

The beauty of podcasting, and any art really, is the ability to try and try again. It’s not uncommon to start a podcast and learn that you’re not as into the subject as you thought. Don’t see these ventures as failures, though! Instead, see them as successes as you learned all the nuances of podcasting while testing the topic. So, when you find the topic that fits you best, you’ll be more than ready to produce it.

Finding Your Place in the Space

There are between 3 to 4 million podcasts currently available worldwide. So, it’s not unreasonable that you share a topic with another show. And that’s totally okay! The key is to find a “niche” for your podcast. Make your topic less general and more specific. Create a podcast with a specific audience in mind. Instead of just creating a show about cooking, create a show about cooking for college students. Focus your recipes on the challenges of cooking in a dorm and/or on a budget.

Finding a niche will help you to stand out amongst the other shows (and lends itself nicely to SEO practices!)

Creating a hyper-specific show allows for a dedicated, passionate community to grow around it!

Deciding on a Format

Podcasts have evolved beyond a couple of friends chatting in their living room. There are interview-style podcasts, long-form fiction podcasts, short and timely news podcasts. The list goes on. Deciding on the format of your content can create a unique listening experience for your audience.

Think about the content you want to talk about to help you figure out the format. Are you covering a sports team or a political movement? Then it might make more sense to make your show short and timely. If you’re really digging deep into the topic and the content could remain relevant for years to come, then a long-form podcast could be the way to go.

The type of content you want to produce will help you to determine the format for your show!

Podcasting can be a huge joy in life! And finding the right topic that you’re passionate about can help to create a show unique to you and your audience.

If you’re ready to launch your show, then give RedCircle a try! We’d love to help you on your journey to new podcasting heights!

The post How to Pick a Topic for Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

The Top 5 Places to Distribute Your Podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/the-top-5-places-to-distribute-your-podcast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-top-5-places-to-distribute-your-podcast Wed, 11 Oct 2023 20:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=735 A podcast isn’t a podcast without listeners. But where do you find listeners for your show? That’s where distribution platforms, like Apple Podcasts, come in! It’s best practice to share your podcast as far and wide as possible. There are dozens of podcast listening platforms and aggregators that help to share your show with their […]

The post The Top 5 Places to Distribute Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

A podcast isn’t a podcast without listeners. But where do you find listeners for your show? That’s where distribution platforms, like Apple Podcasts, come in!

It’s best practice to share your podcast as far and wide as possible. There are dozens of podcast listening platforms and aggregators that help to share your show with their users. So, it can be overwhelming to try and figure out the optimal place to distribute your podcast.

We looked at our top-performing shows and discovered where a majority of their listeners are tuning in from. At the very least, be sure your show is being distributed from these platforms!

Apple Podcasts

It’s not surprising to see that a significant portion of listeners use Apple Podcasts as their listening platform of choice. It’s the largest podcast directory in the world, and some consider it the first. Podcasts supposedly got their name from iPods after all! If you’re not on Apple Podcasts then you’re missing out on a crucial space for listeners.

Learn how to distribute your show on Apple Podcasts in our Help Center.



Spotify is a newcomer to the podcasting space in comparison to legacies like Apple but that doesn’t mean their platform isn’t wildly popular with listeners. It consistently ranks as a close second in our findings.

Learn how to distribute your show on Spotify in our Help Center. For new shows created on RedCircle, you can distribute your show on Spotify with one single click.


Amazon Music

Unexpected to some, but Amazon’s influence in the podcast industry is weighty, to say the least. Not only do listeners have access through the web, they can even tune in to your show through their Alexa devices. Amazon’s helpful AI assistant takes up a majority share (nearly 70%) of U.S. household smart speakers.

Learn how to distribute your show on Amazon Music in our Help Center.


Podcast Addict

Podcast Addict started as a side project of Xavier Guillemane in 2011 and has quickly become an indie favorite among listeners. It’s also the #1 podcast app on Android!

Learn how to distribute your show on Podcast Addict in our Help Center.



A uniquely interesting listening app as they’ve dedicated a majority of their resources on their search functions. They’ve invested heavily in artificial intelligence making podcast discovery incredibly easy. Listeners can painlessly find new podcasts, like yours, when using this app.

Learn how to distribute your show on Castbox in our Help Center.


Honorable Mentions

While these podcast listening platforms didn’t make the Top 5, they still have tons of active listeners ready to discover new shows!

Google Podcasts: Google Podcasts boasts a high number of downloads, but we moved them to honorable mentions as they’re unfortunately shutting down in late 2024. However, they’re switching shows over to YouTube Music!

Right now, though, you can submit your show to YouTube and automatically post episodes to your channel on RedCircle.

iHeartRadio: A well-known player in the podcast industry, iHeartRadio has been around for quite some time. It tends to be a favorite among older demographics (perhaps reminiscing on the heyday of radio.)

Learn how to distribute your show to iHeartRadio in our Help Center.

Overcast: Similar to Podcast Addict, Overcast was started by one person passionate about podcasts. Unlike the others on this list, though, this platform automatically pulls from Apple Podcasts. So, if you’re distributing on Apple then you’re distributing here, too!

Don’t stop your distribution journey with the Top 5 platforms! Be sure to spread your podcast across the web by distributing it on every platform you come across.

Check out the Distribution section in our Help Center for a full list of platforms and in-depth instructions on how to set them up.

The post The Top 5 Places to Distribute Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Embed Your Podcast for More Downloads https://redcircle.com/blog/embed-your-podcast-for-more-downloads/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=embed-your-podcast-for-more-downloads Fri, 06 Oct 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=730 A guaranteed way to get more downloads for your podcast is to make sure it’s been made widely available to everyone. Alongside distributing your show to the major (and minor) listening platforms, it’s also recommended to have an accompanying podcast website and even newsletter! Sharing your podcast with as wide an audience as possible is […]

The post Embed Your Podcast for More Downloads appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

A guaranteed way to get more downloads for your podcast is to make sure it’s been made widely available to everyone. Alongside distributing your show to the major (and minor) listening platforms, it’s also recommended to have an accompanying podcast website and even newsletter!

Sharing your podcast with as wide an audience as possible is always a good growth strategy!

Embed on Websites

Creating a podcast website allows you to take advantage of SEO best practices. It’s also a great way to distribute your show! Visitors to your website can listen to your podcast while they read the transcript or accompanying blog post. Embedding the episode directly on your website makes it so much easier for your audience as they don’t need to go searching for the show. They can simply just click play!

Websites dedicated to blogging, like Medium and WordPress, make it fairly easy to add your podcast, or even individual episodes, to your posts. Combining your written content with your audio in one single place makes the experience that much more seamless for your audience!

Embed in Emails

Do you already send a newsletter to your dedicated audience? You may be able to send them your podcast right in the email itself! Should your audience use Apple Mail, which according to Litmus (an email testing suite), about 58% of all open emails are Apple Mail users. So, it’s a good bet that many of your own audience members would be able to hear your podcast right in your newsletter!

Podcasters can add audio directly into their newsletter by utilizing HTML, specifically a piece of code that allows for the audio file of your episode to be played. (You can learn how to grab the mp3 file for any of your published episodes in our Help Center here.)

The code can be as simple as:

<audio controls preload="none" src="https://YOUR_AUDIO_MP3_LINK.mp3">

Only Apple Mail users can play audio


Adding this to your newsletter would populate an audio player right in the email itself!

For a full breakdown of how to achieve this, check out Podnews’ Blog Post on embedding mp3 files in an email.

There are a myriad of underrated ways to share your podcast with the world! The best way to grow your podcast is to shout it from every mountaintop you can climb!

The post Embed Your Podcast for More Downloads appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Business https://redcircle.com/blog/why-you-should-start-a-podcast-for-your-business/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=why-you-should-start-a-podcast-for-your-business Tue, 03 Oct 2023 20:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=715 Podcasts have been booming for the past few years – a recent study from Edison Research reports that 75% of Americans aged 12 and older listen to online audio in a typical month, with 70% listening in a typical week! If that’s not reason enough to start a podcast for your business, then let us convince […]

The post Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Business appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Podcasts have been booming for the past few years – a recent study from Edison Research reports that 75% of Americans aged 12 and older listen to online audio in a typical month, with 70% listening in a typical week! If that’s not reason enough to start a podcast for your business, then let us convince you in this blog!

Build Your Brand

Podcasting is an incredible way to build awareness of your business. But it’s more than just another marketing avenue. Podcasts are a unique medium as they often create an intimate and personal connection between host and listener. Studies have shown that listeners greatly trust the word of their favorite hosts, especially when hearing about brands and companies. Unlike blog articles and other mediums of the written word, podcasting allows you to create a closer relationship with your audience. Your expertise and passion are delivered directly to their ears rather than being interpreted through their own biases while reading.

Starting a podcast for your business can help establish yourself as an expert in your industry. The format allows you to explore topics thoroughly and provide thoughtful insights during discussion. Inviting other expert guests only helps to solidify your place in your chosen industry as it shows your ability to network with other leaders.

Hosting a podcast also easily demonstrates your passion for the subject you’re speaking about. Your tone, your tangents, and your advice are all coated with your spirited enthusiasm. It’s much easier to detect levels of passion when listening rather than reading. Listeners can truly grasp your words when hearing them!

How to Create a Podcast

Now that launching a podcast seems to be the right move for your business, you may be wondering what that entails exactly. How do you record it? Where do you post it? What should it be called? How often should you create episodes?

These questions are common amongst all beginner podcast creators whether they’re doing it for fun or want to make it part of their full-time job. Podcasting seems deceptively simple, you just pick up a microphone and start talking. But many folks are caught off-guard by the effort needed to create and maintain a podcast. Not to worry, though! Here at RedCircle, we’re all about making things as easy as possible!

We’ve written an extensive guide meant to help you create an awesome podcast! The key to creating such a podcast is the 5 P’s:

  • Plan
  • Prepare
  • Practice
  • Publish
  • Prosper

Put simply, you need to put some time into planning, preparing, and practicing your podcast before you even think about picking up a microphone. Following these guidelines will help to set you off on a better foot!

Where to Host Your Podcast

There are tons of options when it comes to hosting platforms! We, of course, have our own bias, but we do recommend finding a home for your show that marks all your checkboxes.

Not sure what those checkboxes should be? No problem, we’ve got you covered with what to look for when deciding on where to host your podcast. The top things to look for? We suggest growth & monetization tools, basic hosting capabilities like unlimited storage, and ease of distribution.

Ready to take the plunge and start podcasting for your business? You can get started for free (yes, actually free) right here on RedCircle.

The post Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Business appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

How to Get More Listeners for Your Podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-get-more-listeners-for-your-podcast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-get-more-listeners-for-your-podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-get-more-listeners-for-your-podcast/#comments Tue, 26 Sep 2023 16:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=699 A question that lives in the mind of every podcaster: how do I get more people to listen to my show? While it may seem like a daunting task, we have a few pointers on how to make it a much easier journey to navigate! Be Unique Naturally, you want your podcast to stand out […]

The post How to Get More Listeners for Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

A question that lives in the mind of every podcaster: how do I get more people to listen to my show? While it may seem like a daunting task, we have a few pointers on how to make it a much easier journey to navigate!

Be Unique

Naturally, you want your podcast to stand out in the sea of other shows! The best advice we can give is to be unique – in name, in description, even in artwork. A vague name like, “Joe’s Podcast” makes it easier to skip over. Choose something that catches your intended audience’s attention. Something descriptive, unique, and creative (and you can learn how to find that name in our blog post here!)

Show off what’s special about your show through both the visual and written medium.

Shout it Out Loud

Don’t be scared to speak about your podcast, especially since you’ve put in a ton of work and should be proud! Share it with beloved friends and family, and encourage them to share it within their own circles. Ask them to leave a rating and comment to boost the perception of your show. See our other blog post for even more tips on growing your show! 

Alongside sharing it with those you know, share it with those you don’t by ensuring it’s distributed to more than just the big listening platforms. While a significant portion of listeners do come from Apple Podcasts and Spotify, there are still plenty of listeners who prefer smaller apps like PocketCasts, Podcast Addict, Audacy, and more! The list of popular listening apps is a long one, so take advantage of it and share your show everywhere you can!

Collaborate & Network

One of the best ways to find new listeners is to expand your reach past your own circles. An easy way to do this is by promoting your show on other shows! Using RedCircle’s Cross-Promotions Marketplace, you can find shows with similar audiences and collaborate on a campaign together. You each get the benefit of sharing your show! And who knows, you might even find a guest co-host for the future!

In addition to cross-promoting, it’s always a good idea to hop on another podcast as a guest. Fans of their show are introduced to a new show that they may end up loving just as much. Be sure to extend the same kindness, though. Having friends in podcasting is always a plus!

Use Tried-and-True Marketing Techniques

Never underestimate the power of marketing! Sharing your show on social media (on a frequent basis), creating a companion blog, or even sending out a weekly newsletter are great ways to engage your audience.

Share in the physical world, too! Create some merch like stickers to pass out during podcast events. Post flyers about your show at local places in your community. Even wearing your own branded t-shirt while going about your day is an excellent way to spread the word! The goal is to get the name of your podcast into every available hand you can!

Finally, employ some SEO best practices in your show and episode descriptions to help boost your podcast on the web. SEO is your best friend when it comes to ranking high on the various search engines!

Listeners can be elusive, so we hope these tips (and many others in our blog) help you to soar to new heights in your podcasting journey!

The post How to Get More Listeners for Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-get-more-listeners-for-your-podcast/feed/ 1
Best Time to Publish a Podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/best-time-to-publish-a-podcast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=best-time-to-publish-a-podcast Fri, 22 Sep 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=694 Ah, the age-old question in podcasting. Is there an ideal time to publish your podcast? Yes and no. The answer can depend on a few different factors and every answer can be different for different podcasts. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. But be careful not to get too bogged down in details and put off […]

The post Best Time to Publish a Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Ah, the age-old question in podcasting. Is there an ideal time to publish your podcast? Yes and no. The answer can depend on a few different factors and every answer can be different for different podcasts. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. But be careful not to get too bogged down in details and put off actually posting!

You want to keep these things in mind when deciding when to publish your show: Whether or not you want to monetize, who your audience is, and your own schedule. Each of these factors can help you determine when the best time to publish your podcast is for you.

Monetization in the Mix

An important question to ask yourself is whether or not you plan to monetize your podcast. If you do plan on monetizing, especially through ads, then the best time to launch your podcast is in early Autumn. It’s also an excellent time to re-launch your show, start a new season, or even migrate to a new hosting platform.

Why? Well, early Autumn is when both Programmatic Ads and Host-Read opportunities start to increase, at least in our experience. Brands have spent the summer planning their strategies for the end-of-year holidays and execution time is looming closer. (We’re on that Christmas creep, after all.) Podcasts often see a bump in revenue in the last few months of the year thanks to all of this advertising spend.

If you’re looking to monetize your podcast, then joining a new hosting platform or re-launching a new season in Autumn is the way to go!


Think About Your Listener

A great way to understand when, and how often, to publish episodes for your podcast is to tap into your audience. Who are they? What do their routines look like? When are they choosing to tune into podcasts? Getting to the heart of these questions will help you to determine the prime time upload episodes.

RedCircle’s analytics can help you to find answers to those questions. (It’s even covered in our blog here!) Using our analytics, you can know exactly what time of day folks are listening to your show, what day of the week, and where in the world they’re listening from.

Additionally, think about the type of content you’re creating. Is it for working professionals? Or perhaps for college students? Are they listening to your show on the way to work or class? When would that be? Whoever your audience is, there’s a time and place that they prefer when they listen to your show. You can use an abundance of clues to figure out the optimal time for posting.


Don’t Forget Your Own Schedule

Knowing the habits of Advertisers and Listeners alike can most certainly help you to determine when to launch, re-launch, or migrate your show. But only you know when you have the capacity to put in the effort to grow your podcast. Consistency is absolutely key to growth, but be mindful not to overcommit and burn yourself out trying to pump out podcast episodes. Attempting to adhere to a schedule that just doesn’t work for you will end up hurting you in the long run.

We say it because it’s true; podcasting is an exciting endeavor! But there are always questions you may not expect as you begin to dive deeper and deeper into the medium. Understanding these key points will help you to know when to publish your podcast and continue on your journey to success!

The post Best Time to Publish a Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.
