earn revenue – RedCircle Blog https://redcircle.com/blog Be Heard Tue, 07 Nov 2023 00:02:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://redcircle.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/favicon-32x32-1.png earn revenue – RedCircle Blog https://redcircle.com/blog 32 32 Less is More: How Many Ads Should There Be in an Ad Break? https://redcircle.com/blog/less-is-more-how-many-ads-should-there-be-in-an-ad-break/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=less-is-more-how-many-ads-should-there-be-in-an-ad-break Tue, 07 Nov 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=784 When it comes to podcast ads, it turns out that less does a whole lot better than more. A recent study from Ad Results Media (ARM) found that the ideal number of ads per ad break is 2 max. This goldilocks number allows listeners to really hear the ads and prevents them from tuning out, […]

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When it comes to podcast ads, it turns out that less does a whole lot better than more. A recent study from Ad Results Media (ARM) found that the ideal number of ads per ad break is 2 max. This goldilocks number allows listeners to really hear the ads and prevents them from tuning out, or even worse, skipping them entirely.

ARM conducted a 14-month study that looked over $80 million in ad spend to determine the perfect number of ads for each ad break. While 2 ads were just right, they found that ad breaks with 3-4 performed only about 12% worse. However, ad breaks with 5 or more ads completely tanked. Ad breaks with 5 or more ads performed 46% worse than those with 2 ad breaks.

Ad breaks packed with ads performed worse most likely due to listener fatigue. Listeners inundated with ads may feel overwhelmed and decide to skip ads altogether. Podcasters should be cognizant of the number of ad slots they have placed in their episodes to ensure the perfect balance of ads and content.

Of course, the number of ad breaks depends heavily on the length of your episodes. Podcasts with episodes 15-20 minutes or less should aim to have 1-2 ad breaks per episode. One Pre-Roll Insertion Point and one Post-Roll often do the trick!

Podcasts with longer episodes, 30 minutes or more, should try to have at least one Pre-Roll Insertion Point, one Mid-Roll Insertion Point, and one Post-Roll Insertion Point. If the podcast is quite long, 1.5 to 2 hours, then an extra Mid-Roll Insertion Point is totally okay to add. (But be sure to space them out properly!)

Striking the right balance might seem onerous, but sticking to the above suggestions will help you to maximize your revenue!

The post Less is More: How Many Ads Should There Be in an Ad Break? appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Podcast Advertising Trends in 2023 https://redcircle.com/blog/podcast-advertising-trends-in-2023/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=podcast-advertising-trends-in-2023 Tue, 17 Oct 2023 16:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=744 Podcast advertising has been on a meteoric rise in recent years, and with 2024 on the horizon, it shows no sign of slowing down. More people than ever are tuning in to their favorite podcasts, and advertisers are seizing the opportunity to connect with engaged and loyal audiences. Let’s explore the ever-growing podcast industry together! […]

The post Podcast Advertising Trends in 2023 appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Podcast advertising has been on a meteoric rise in recent years, and with 2024 on the horizon, it shows no sign of slowing down. More people than ever are tuning in to their favorite podcasts, and advertisers are seizing the opportunity to connect with engaged and loyal audiences. Let’s explore the ever-growing podcast industry together!

Dynamic Insertion Continues to Shine

Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) technology has transformed the podcast advertising landscape and remains a dominant trend in 2023. RedCircle’s Dynamic Insertion allows advertisers to seamlessly swap out ads in previously published podcast episodes. This dynamic approach ensures that ads remain fresh, relevant, and timely, providing a better listening experience for the audience.

DAI technology is becoming more sophisticated, allowing for highly targeted and personalized ad placements. As a result, advertisers can deliver tailored messages to specific demographics, significantly improving their ad campaign effectiveness. Learn about all the other benefits in our other blog post!

Podcast Revenue Hits the Billions ($$$)

Research conducted by the PwC for the Internet Advertising Bureau in May of 2023 projected that the total podcast ad revenue would hit $2.28 billion (a 25% increase year over year!) Big players in the industry have also been seeing growth, indicating an incredible strength when it comes to podcast advertising.

Right now is a great time to jump into podcast advertising! Especially since we’ve introduced a slew of impressive new features designed for our advertisers in mind. From frequency capping and air checks, Team Seats for Advertisers, and a brand new Help Section, we’ve worked hard to create an efficient and stress-free experience for advertisers. Sign up and see for yourself.

Niche Podcasts Gain Prominence

Niche podcasts are gaining prominence as the podcasting industry continues to expand. These podcasts cater to specific, passionate audiences, making them ideal for advertisers looking to reach highly targeted demographics. In 2023 and onwards, expect to see more brands partnering with niche podcasts that align with their products or services.

Whether it’s a podcast about sustainable living, retro video games, or gluten-free cooking, niche podcasts provide a unique opportunity for advertisers to connect with engaged and enthusiastic listeners. Brands are increasingly recognizing the value of these specialized audiences.

Understanding a podcast’s audience and crafting campaigns specifically with them in mind increases the chances of success. (Check out 5 other tips on running successful podcast advertising campaigns in this blog post here!)

Brand Storytelling Takes Center Stage

Effective storytelling has always been at the heart of podcasting. In 2023 and beyond, expect to see more brands embracing this by crafting compelling narratives that resonate with listeners. Rather than traditional ads, brands are becoming content creators, developing stories that seamlessly integrate with the podcast’s theme and tone.

This trend blurs the line between advertising and content, creating a more authentic and engaging experience for the audience. Listeners are more likely to respond positively to ads that feel like a natural part of the podcast they love.

Programmatic Advertising on the Rise

Programmatic Advertising, which uses algorithms to automate the buying and placement of ads, is gaining traction in the podcasting world. This trend continues through the end of 2023 into 2024, as it streamlines the ad-buying process and enables advertisers to reach their target audience more efficiently.

With Programmatic Advertising, brands can leverage data-driven insights to make real-time decisions about when and where to place their ads, ensuring maximum relevance and impact.

We’re eager to see what the rest of 2023 brings along with the beginnings of 2024. We hope you come with us along the ride!

The post Podcast Advertising Trends in 2023 appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

The Benefits of Dynamic Ad Insertion https://redcircle.com/blog/the-benefits-of-dynamic-ad-insertion/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-benefits-of-dynamic-ad-insertion Fri, 29 Sep 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=711 It’s not hard to notice how big of fans we are when it comes to Dynamic Insertion (we even have a few different blogs on the subject!) We consider Dynamic Ad Insertion to be our bread-and-butter. We’re passionate about making it easy for both podcasters and advertisers to utilize this revolutionary tool for podcast advertising. […]

The post The Benefits of Dynamic Ad Insertion appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

It’s not hard to notice how big of fans we are when it comes to Dynamic Insertion (we even have a few different blogs on the subject!) We consider Dynamic Ad Insertion to be our bread-and-butter. We’re passionate about making it easy for both podcasters and advertisers to utilize this revolutionary tool for podcast advertising.

Podcast advertising, until recently, was dominated by what was called “baked-in” ads. These types of ads were added directly into a show’s audio during the editing process. Thus, they were called “baked-in” as they were literally baked into the raw audio before being uploaded to a hosting platform. 

Today, there are quite a few hosting platforms like RedCircle that offer the ability to make ads dynamic. Dynamically inserted podcast ads can be different for every single listener. Shows can run a campaign for a set length of time, even across their back catalog, and then easily swap in a new campaign. Dynamic Ad Insertion helps to keep the advertising in podcasts fresh. Listeners won’t hear the same ad over and over, they won’t hear old ads that aren’t relevant anymore, and they won’t be frustrated when listening to their favorite show.

There are countless benefits when it comes to Dynamic Ad Insertion! We’ll cover the ones we feel are the most important.

Benefit #1: Relevance of Ads

It can be disappointing as a listener when you hear an ad for an awesome product only to learn that the promotion code is expired – and has been for quite some time. With dynamically inserted ads, though, the listener always hears a timely advertisement. This creates a pleasant experience for the listener as they get relevant information, a desired outcome for the advertiser as the listener is able to use the given promotion code, and a satisfying result for the podcaster as their efforts aren’t wasted. It’s truly a win-win situation for everyone involved!

Benefit #2: Scalable and Targeted Campaigns

Now multiply the first benefit by 10. Dynamic ad insertion allows advertisers to foster those experiences across a wealth of different podcasts with a few clicks of a button. With RedCircle’s dynamic insertion tools in particular, advertisers can select any number of podcasts and provide individualized information for every single show through features like multi-script. And now multiply that by 100 and you can start to understand why this technology has grown in popularity over the years. Advertisers are able to scale their campaigns to an extensive level without creating immense work for themselves.

Benefit #3: Flexibility

Unlike baked-in ads, dynamically inserted ads allow for much greater flexibility. Podcasters have full control of where ads are inserted into their show. No more getting cut-off mid-sentence! As a podcaster, you can drop an Insertion Point anywhere in your episode and easily assign any type of dynamic audio to it, including both Programmatic and Host-Read ads.

This flexibility creates an enjoyable experience for the listener. If the ads blend seamlessly into the content, most listeners will appreciate the information their favorite host is dishing out. This is why podcast advertising, above any other medium, can be so successful. Don’t just take our word for it, there are tons of studies that show how effective podcast ads can actually be!


Benefit #4: Forecasting Budget & Impressions

With Dynamic Insertion, advertisers can easily forecast impressions and determine the budget needed for a specific campaign.  At RedCircle, our data closely follows IAB guidelines, which are the agreed-upon standard in the podcasting industry. This allows for fairly accurate campaign tracking as well as forecasting.

Benefit #5: Seamless Experience

You may have noticed a theme of “ease” when it comes to dynamic ad insertion. The intention of this feature is to create a simple and favorable experience for all parties involved. It shouldn’t be hard to execute an advertising campaign, both advertisers and podcasters should be given the tools to create seamless experiences for listeners and hosts. Advertisers should be able to create multiple campaigns in minutes, podcasters should be able to decide where ads make the most sense, and listeners should be given up-to-date information so they can act. With dynamic ad insertion, all of that is possible and more!

Baked-in ads helped to make podcasting the titan it is today. But innovation from platforms like RedCircle have pushed the industry even further for podcasters, advertisers, and listeners alike.  The goal of dynamic ad insertion everywhere is to create easy experiences for everyone. We’re dedicated to making these fresh, painless experiences available to everyone. Whether you’re a podcaster, an advertiser, or a listener. We want you to enjoy podcasting!


Interested in earning more revenue for your show? Learn why RedCircle is the best fit for your show!

Want to advertise on thousands of outstanding podcasts? Sign up today!

The post The Benefits of Dynamic Ad Insertion appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Best Time to Publish a Podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/best-time-to-publish-a-podcast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=best-time-to-publish-a-podcast Fri, 22 Sep 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=694 Ah, the age-old question in podcasting. Is there an ideal time to publish your podcast? Yes and no. The answer can depend on a few different factors and every answer can be different for different podcasts. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. But be careful not to get too bogged down in details and put off […]

The post Best Time to Publish a Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Ah, the age-old question in podcasting. Is there an ideal time to publish your podcast? Yes and no. The answer can depend on a few different factors and every answer can be different for different podcasts. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. But be careful not to get too bogged down in details and put off actually posting!

You want to keep these things in mind when deciding when to publish your show: Whether or not you want to monetize, who your audience is, and your own schedule. Each of these factors can help you determine when the best time to publish your podcast is for you.

Monetization in the Mix

An important question to ask yourself is whether or not you plan to monetize your podcast. If you do plan on monetizing, especially through ads, then the best time to launch your podcast is in early Autumn. It’s also an excellent time to re-launch your show, start a new season, or even migrate to a new hosting platform.

Why? Well, early Autumn is when both Programmatic Ads and Host-Read opportunities start to increase, at least in our experience. Brands have spent the summer planning their strategies for the end-of-year holidays and execution time is looming closer. (We’re on that Christmas creep, after all.) Podcasts often see a bump in revenue in the last few months of the year thanks to all of this advertising spend.

If you’re looking to monetize your podcast, then joining a new hosting platform or re-launching a new season in Autumn is the way to go!


Think About Your Listener

A great way to understand when, and how often, to publish episodes for your podcast is to tap into your audience. Who are they? What do their routines look like? When are they choosing to tune into podcasts? Getting to the heart of these questions will help you to determine the prime time upload episodes.

RedCircle’s analytics can help you to find answers to those questions. (It’s even covered in our blog here!) Using our analytics, you can know exactly what time of day folks are listening to your show, what day of the week, and where in the world they’re listening from.

Additionally, think about the type of content you’re creating. Is it for working professionals? Or perhaps for college students? Are they listening to your show on the way to work or class? When would that be? Whoever your audience is, there’s a time and place that they prefer when they listen to your show. You can use an abundance of clues to figure out the optimal time for posting.


Don’t Forget Your Own Schedule

Knowing the habits of Advertisers and Listeners alike can most certainly help you to determine when to launch, re-launch, or migrate your show. But only you know when you have the capacity to put in the effort to grow your podcast. Consistency is absolutely key to growth, but be mindful not to overcommit and burn yourself out trying to pump out podcast episodes. Attempting to adhere to a schedule that just doesn’t work for you will end up hurting you in the long run.

We say it because it’s true; podcasting is an exciting endeavor! But there are always questions you may not expect as you begin to dive deeper and deeper into the medium. Understanding these key points will help you to know when to publish your podcast and continue on your journey to success!

The post Best Time to Publish a Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Programmatic Advertising for Podcasters 101 https://redcircle.com/blog/programmatic-advertising-for-podcasters-101/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=programmatic-advertising-for-podcasters-101 https://redcircle.com/blog/programmatic-advertising-for-podcasters-101/#comments Thu, 14 Sep 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=672 If you’ve been podcasting for a little while then you might have heard the term “Programmatic Advertising”. But what does this entail, exactly? Put simply, Programmatic Advertising is a type of monetization where pre-recorded ads are placed on to your podcast through services like RAP (the RedCircle Ad Platform). They’re very similar to ads that […]

The post Programmatic Advertising for Podcasters 101 appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

If you’ve been podcasting for a little while then you might have heard the term “Programmatic Advertising”. But what does this entail, exactly? Put simply, Programmatic Advertising is a type of monetization where pre-recorded ads are placed on to your podcast through services like RAP (the RedCircle Ad Platform). They’re very similar to ads that you might hear on the radio.

Programmatic Advertising typically doesn’t require much work, if at all, from the podcaster. And it’s a fantastic way to easily generate revenue for your show (check out our guest blog on Riverside to learn why!) There are a few key points regarding Programmatic Advertising that are important to know before jumping in, though. Luckily, we’ve created this guide to help answer any questions you might have about this type of monetization!

What are Programmatic Ads?

Programmatic Ads are typically professionally pre-recorded advertisements that play on your podcast either in the pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll spot depending on your Dynamic Insertion configuration. Similar to old-school radio ads, these ads range from a large variety of categories including entertainment, education, real estate, technology, and more. 

Some hosting platforms, like RedCircle, dynamically insert these ads into your podcast through tools like Dynamic Insertion and RAP. There’s not much work on your end after the initial setup and Dynamic Insertion configuration. It’s pretty much a plug-and-play feature!

Programmatic Ads differ from Host-Read Ads in these key areas:

  • Type of Audio: Programmatic Ads are pre-recorded.
  • Ad Approval: No prior approval of ads, but you can exclude specific categories.
  • Where Ads are Place: Wherever you want! You get to choose where and how often they play in your podcast.
  • CPM (Cost Per Thousand Downloads): Rates are not set by podcaster, but our system is designed to place the ad with the highest available CPM.

For more information on how Programmatic Ads differ from Host-Read, see the full breakdown in our Help Center.

How Programmatic Ads Work on RedCircle

Our Advertising Platform streamlines the manual process of coordinating advertising deals on your behalf. So, no more cold-reaching out to brands in hopes of a partnership. Brands and agencies use our platform to purchase ad inventory and run campaigns across an array of podcasts (including yours!)

Programmatic Ads are inserted alongside any Host-Read Ad campaigns you might have running. Our system does prioritize Host-Read Ads over Programmatic, but you’ll still hear both if you have both options selected. Our system is also optimized to insert the Programmatic ad with the highest CPM during the bidding process (which happens within milliseconds of a listener downloading an episode). Depending on your plan, you also have the ability to exclude/include specific IAB ad categories. This is especially helpful if your show is focused on a specific demographic!

Curious to learn more? See our Help Center for a complete look at Programmatic Ads on RedCircle!

All About Timing

It’s crucial to understand the natural ebb and flow of Programmatic Advertising throughout the year. In general, Programmatic revenue tends to dip in slow months like January and February as brands are coming back from the previous year’s winter holidays. They’re using the first few months of the year to finalize their strategies for the rest of the year. Mid-summer months also see a similar decrease as most brands are gearing up for those same winter holidays.

This means that September through December tend to have the highest Programmatic revenue as brands are executing their winter holiday campaigns. So, switching to new hosts or opting in to Ad Marketplaces in September increases your chances to earn more revenue!

Diving into the world of podcast advertising can seem daunting, but here at RedCircle we do our best to make the journey an exciting (and lucrative) one!

We have an abundance of resources for those with a more inquisitive nature:

Ready to make a change? Why not sign up for RedCircle today!

The post Programmatic Advertising for Podcasters 101 appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

https://redcircle.com/blog/programmatic-advertising-for-podcasters-101/feed/ 1
How to Ace Your First Ad Read https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-ace-your-first-ad-read/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-ace-your-first-ad-read Fri, 25 Aug 2023 16:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=662 You’ve made it to 500 average weekly downloads, you’ve opted in to RAP, and now you’ve received your first Host-Read Ad opportunity. First thing first, pat yourself on the back for landing your first ad read! How do you make sure you knock it out of the park, though? Easy! Keep reading this guide for […]

The post How to Ace Your First Ad Read appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

You’ve made it to 500 average weekly downloads, you’ve opted in to RAP, and now you’ve received your first Host-Read Ad opportunity. First thing first, pat yourself on the back for landing your first ad read!

How do you make sure you knock it out of the park, though? Easy! Keep reading this guide for tips on how to absolutely ace your very first Host-Read Ad.

Read the Script Carefully

The scripts given to you are jam-packed with plenty of information about the brand, the ad read, and more. It’s super important not to skimp on this part. Be sure to carefully read through the provided information so you don’t miss anything required of you. It’s best to read it a few times and really give yourself the opportunity to fully understand what the brand wants from this ad read. Some of the top-performing podcasters recommend taking ample time to review the script in order to exactly understand the message the brand wants to share with their listeners.

A number of brands may also include a “Dos and Don’ts” section which covers necessary information for your ad read. Things like how to talk about the product, words that should be avoided, or even how to properly pronounce the product. These Dos and Don’ts sections are imperative to creating a stellar Host-Read Ad. Don’t skip them!

Taking the time to carefully read through the provided script will help to avoid possible make-good (retake) requests from the brand. So, be sure to give yourself enough time to thoroughly read over the script!

Check Your Recording

The hardest part is over! The next recommended step is to listen to your recording to ensure that you’ve hit all the marks. Did you pronounce the product name correctly? Did you make sure to spell out the promo code? Listen to the recording while reviewing the provided script to confirm that nothing was missed.

Remember, you want to try your best to avoid possible make-goods, so take the time to double-check your work. You’ll thank yourself later!

Final Review

With the ad recorded and the campaign looming closer, the very last step is to confirm the more technical side of things. Run through this technical checklist to ensure it’s all set up correctly:

  • Do you have the correct Insertion Points added to your episodes?
  • Do you have the Default Audio Blocks, either the “Pre & Post Roll Ad Audio Blocks” or the “Mid Roll Ad Audio Block”, assigned to all episodes?
    • Check out our Help article on how to bulk-assign Audio Blocks to your episodes
  • If you don’t use the above Default Ad Audio Blocks, do you have the “RedCircle Ad” Audio Clip assigned to your preferred Audio Blocks?
  • Do your show notes include information about the product? And the promo code/website, if required?

Reviewing the script, your recording, and the technical aspects of your campaign will help to start the campaign on the right track. Acing the first Host-Read ad encourages your brand partner to renew with you, too!

Interested in monetizing your podcast? Sign up for RedCircle to start earning revenue for your creative work.

The post How to Ace Your First Ad Read appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

How to Get the Most Out of Dynamic Insertion https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-get-the-most-out-of-dynamic-insertion/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-get-the-most-out-of-dynamic-insertion Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=619 Dynamic Insertion is an incredibly powerful tool. With it, you can insert your own promotions, call-to-actions, announcements, and more, all with the click of a few buttons! Most podcasters are familiar with our Dynamic Insertion Technology through their use of RAP (the RedCircle Ad Platform) but its capabilities go far beyond blending ads into your […]

The post How to Get the Most Out of Dynamic Insertion appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Dynamic Insertion is an incredibly powerful tool. With it, you can insert your own promotions, call-to-actions, announcements, and more, all with the click of a few buttons! Most podcasters are familiar with our Dynamic Insertion Technology through their use of RAP (the RedCircle Ad Platform) but its capabilities go far beyond blending ads into your show. Our Dynamic Insertion Technology can help you increase your revenue, grow your show, and cultivate your audience. Let us show you how!

Maximize Your Revenue

Dynamic Insertion’s main purpose on RedCircle is to help you monetize your show. And this can be done in a myriad of ways including RAP, self-sourced campaign deals, and self-promotion, to name a few.

Utilizing Your Back Catalog

Did you know that a significant portion of your downloads can come from your back catalog? Most podcast hosts assume that their older episodes aren’t worth monetizing due to their age, but there’s ample opportunity to increase your revenue by placing ads on those episodes. Think about it! New listeners want to catch up on your show, so they cruise through the catalog. There’s an entire subset of folks actively listening to episodes you may have thought no longer have an impact.

Adding in the Default Ad Blocks to these older episodes can increase your revenue pretty significantly. Don’t underestimate the power of past episodes!

Updating Your Audio Blocks

If you’ve been hosting on RedCircle for a while, then you may not have had the chance to update your Audio Blocks to the newer Default ones. More specifically, updating your Mid-Roll Insertion Point from “Default Ad Block” to the “Default Mid-Roll Ad Block” as the latter one includes one more Audio Clip than the former. The “Default Ad Block” only has 2 Audio Clips while the newer Audio Block has 3 Audio Clips. Additionally, you’re able to add a fallback clip, which is an Audio Clip that plays should the desired Audio Clip not be available.

Periods of high advertising demand, such as the last few months of the year, are an excellent time to increase your inventory availability. Take advantage of the advertising boost to further increase your earnings.

Swapping these Audio Blocks will help to further increase your RAP revenue!

The key to maximize your revenue with RAP is to ensure your back catalog has Insertion Points with the Default Ad Audio Blocks assigned to them!

Need some help setting up ads? We’ve got you covered in our Help Center!

Grow Your Show

A vital task for any podcaster is, of course, growing their show. There are a multitude of ways to go about building a bigger audience such as guest starring on other shows, promoting your podcast on social media, networking with other podcasters, the list goes on! The key to growth is to put yourself out there, and RedCircle’s Dynamic Insertion Technology can help you to do so.

Cross Promote and Boost Your Pod

Our Cross-Promotions Marketplace makes it remarkably easy to run a promotional campaign for your show. You and your selected partner podcast can advocate for each other’s shows through a few simple clicks of your mouse. Record an ad highlighting the unique and compelling aspects of your podcast and have it be shared with a totally different audience. And what better way to connect with fellow podcasters than uplifting one another?

You can add the “Default Cross Promotion Block” anywhere in your show, though we do recommend placing it in either the Mid or Pre-Roll positions for the highest chance of it being heard.

Custom Audio for Self-Promotion

There’s nothing wrong with a li’l self-promotion! While social media is a good way to generate recognition, reviews are what really set podcasts apart from the noise. Our Custom Audio feature allows you to create any sort of audio that can be dynamically inserted into your podcast. You can use this feature to encourage your listeners to leave a comment or review for your show on their favorite listening platform. Reviews can help to entice potential listeners, especially those sitting on the fence!
The beauty of Custom Audio is the ability to quickly swap out audio files across your entire catalog with one click of a button. So, you can refresh your self-promotional content whenever you have new updates to share!

Connect with Your Community

Alongside growing your show, you can use Dynamic Insertion technology to further nurture the relationship with your audience. You can create special greetings for specific listeners each week, or announce live shows and meet-and-greets, or share timely information with your listeners. The possibilities are endless with Custom Audio!

For example, maybe a listener wants to advertise their business on your show or make a special announcement to a loved one. You could open up a slot for them in your show (either for free or for a fee!) and have their announcement play across all episodes for all of your listeners! It’s a truly magnificent way to make your fans feel like a real part of your show.

Dynamic Insertion Technology can go far beyond advertisements. You can customize your show in an inventive and exciting way! The power is in your hands!
Check out our Help article on all the ways you could use Dynamic Insertion.

The post How to Get the Most Out of Dynamic Insertion appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

The Benefits of Small Business Ads https://redcircle.com/blog/the-benefits-of-small-business-ads/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-benefits-of-small-business-ads https://redcircle.com/blog/the-benefits-of-small-business-ads/#comments Tue, 30 May 2023 20:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=522 You’ve heard us say it before: Ads are an excellent way to monetize your show! But what if you’re still developing your audience and haven’t attracted mainstream industry advertisers yet? Well, there’s more than one way to use RedCircle to earn revenue for your podcast! Our Dynamic Insertion technology allows you to run your own […]

The post The Benefits of Small Business Ads appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

You’ve heard us say it before: Ads are an excellent way to monetize your show! But what if you’re still developing your audience and haven’t attracted mainstream industry advertisers yet? Well, there’s more than one way to use RedCircle to earn revenue for your podcast!

Our Dynamic Insertion technology allows you to run your own campaigns. Giving you the freedom to decide who gets an advertisement spot on your podcast. A great way to book slots is to engage with small businesses, both local and far away. Finding a business that meshes well with your content and audience benefits the both of you. You can provide them with a specialized or niche audience and they can provide you with a potential long-term partnership. It’s a win-win all around!

The first step to working with small businesses is to figure out which businesses you want to work with. The obvious answer is to think about what businesses have products or services that complement your podcast. For example, let’s say you have a role-playing podcast where you use things like dice during the show. Look for businesses that create custom dice, or a games store that’s interested in growing their customer base. Or, maybe you’re already using a product in your podcast that you love. Brands always want podcasters passionate about their products/services as it creates a much better host-read ad. (As we learned in this blog post!)

The locality of the business can play an important role, too. Using the geo-location performance report in your analytics, you can learn where a majority of your audience is located. You can narrow it down by country, region, or even city! You could reach out to businesses popular or new in that area and offer to collaborate with them. For example, let’s say you have a fitness podcast and you reach out to a local gym offering to advertise their services. Or, you host a show focused on a local sporting team. You could check out bars and restaurants in the area where games are frequently played on their screens.

There are endless opportunities when looking for brands to collaborate with and build long-lasting partnerships!

Once you secure a deal with a business you like, you can create Custom Audio Clips and Audio Blocks to smoothly insert the ads into your show. You could even run several campaigns at once! The choice, and flexibility, is up to you!

Don’t wait for advertisement opportunities to come to you! Being proactive, especially as you’re growing your podcast, will help you to create long-term partnerships with brands and demonstrate to bigger brands your consistency and excellence. Whether it’s for small or local businesses, collaboration between podcasts, or announcements for your audience, our Dynamic Insertion tools help to easily manage any type of campaign.

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The post The Benefits of Small Business Ads appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

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Let’s Talk Revenue Streams: Diversifying with Exclusive Content & Donations https://redcircle.com/blog/lets-talk-revenue-streams-diversifying-with-exclusive-content-donations/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=lets-talk-revenue-streams-diversifying-with-exclusive-content-donations Tue, 23 May 2023 16:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=508 When you hear the phrase “podcast revenue” your mind probably jumps immediately to ads, right? And you’re not wrong for thinking so! Many podcasters earn a living through both Programmatic and Host-Read ads. While these revenue streams are fantastic, one of the most important things for turning any creative endeavor into a career is to […]

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When you hear the phrase “podcast revenue” your mind probably jumps immediately to ads, right? And you’re not wrong for thinking so! Many podcasters earn a living through both Programmatic and Host-Read ads. While these revenue streams are fantastic, one of the most important things for turning any creative endeavor into a career is to diversify your revenue. Enabling community-driven monetization features only helps to supplement your ad revenue stream (or vice versa in some of our podcasters’ cases!)

Features like Exclusive Content & Donations give your listeners the power to support you in a personal and meaningful way. It can create a sense of personal connection and community with your show. Giving your audience special access to unique content helps to further build your relationship with them.

Take the Jocko Underground Podcast and CzabeCast Premium as expert examples! The Jocko Podcast plays snippets of Underground episodes, giving non-subscribed listeners the quick version of the exclusive episode. Subscribed users, on the other hand, get an hour-long bonus version of that same episode! The Jocko Podcast entices their listeners with little teasers. Giving them enough to enjoy the content, but providing more for those who want more!

CzabeCast Premium takes a similar approach. Though, the entire podcast itself is an entirely exclusive version of their show. They choose special topics relevant to their show to create a supplemental podcast to be enjoyed solely by their subscribers.

You don’t need to create Exclusive Content in order for your listeners to support you, though. You can also enable Donations, which allow listeners to leave you as much or as little as they wish. This feature in particular helps to make your listeners feel that they are truly making a difference for you.

Check out the love that the OVIES + GIGLIO podcast received from their listeners when they announced their show and the ability to donate. Their audience jumped on the chance to show their appreciation in a more tangible way. Your listeners want you to succeed!

Using these features to supplement your other revenue streams only helps! The key to earning a living in your creative career is to get creative with your revenue. Diversify and experiment with all of our monetization features and find out which one(s) work best for you!

Why not join the hundreds of RedCircle podcasters earning thousands of dollars through Exclusive Content and Donations?

The post Let’s Talk Revenue Streams: Diversifying with Exclusive Content & Donations appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Things Every Podcast Should Have Before Accepting Host-Read Ads https://redcircle.com/blog/things-every-podcast-should-have-before-accepting-host-read-ads/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=things-every-podcast-should-have-before-accepting-host-read-ads Tue, 09 May 2023 20:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=496 Whether a seasoned podcaster or one just getting started, it’s not surprising that you’re eager to land some Host-Read ad deals. But before you opt-in to the RedCircle Ads Program (RAP) or begin to pitch your show to brands, you’ll want to make sure you have these three things: Having at least one of these […]

The post Things Every Podcast Should Have Before Accepting Host-Read Ads appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Whether a seasoned podcaster or one just getting started, it’s not surprising that you’re eager to land some Host-Read ad deals. But before you opt-in to the RedCircle Ads Program (RAP) or begin to pitch your show to brands, you’ll want to make sure you have these three things:

  1. Demographics of your audience
  2. An active online community
  3. A partnership mentality

Having at least one of these (ideally all 3!) will help you distinguish your show from the sea of podcasts.

Audience Demographics

Brands want to know that they’ll be able to reach their target audience. Otherwise, their messaging may fall on deaf ears. They want to know who your audience is, not just numbers on a page. Simple demographics like age and gender are vital pieces of information that shouldn’t be skipped. So be sure to add that information in your RAP Settings.

Another way for brands to understand you and your audience is to proactively share that information. If you receive a Host-Read Survey to fill out, then be sure to provide all the information you can so we can match you up with the right advertisers!

Active Community

Don’t confuse an active community with simply a large one. The creator space is teeming with thousands of micro-communities. Brands are interested in your unique reach! You have hundreds, thousands, or maybe even hundreds of thousands, of people who tune in to hear your thoughts on a whole array of topics. Brands are most interested in hosts who take the time to engage with their listeners in a variety of ways.
They want hosts who talk with their listeners over social media, share information through newsletters, or even those who write blogs to accompany their episodes. Take it from some of our successful podcast hosts who have cultivated fantastic online communities. Going above and beyond by engaging their communities on other platforms has helped them to land renewals and long-term partnerships with brands.

Partnership Mentality

The final, and arguably most important, thing to have is a partnership mentality. You worked hard to create your content and nurture your community. Always be sure to enter any Host-Read ad deal with a partnership mentality – you want this campaign to work out for everyone involved including you, the brand, and your audience.

Both your audience and interested brands trust you to be truthful with your words. Be passionate about the product. Use it in your everyday life and give your honest thoughts about it. It’s easy to see through inauthentic ads, don’t be one of them!

Remember to keep these three things in mind whenever you decide to join RAP. They’ll give you an excellent starting place and set you up for long-term success!

The post Things Every Podcast Should Have Before Accepting Host-Read Ads appeared first on RedCircle Blog.
