podcast hosting – RedCircle Blog https://redcircle.com/blog Be Heard Mon, 20 Nov 2023 22:40:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.1 https://redcircle.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/favicon-32x32-1.png podcast hosting – RedCircle Blog https://redcircle.com/blog 32 32 The Podcaster Gift Guide https://redcircle.com/blog/the-podcaster-gift-guide/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-podcaster-gift-guide Tue, 21 Nov 2023 17:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=795 The holidays, and sales, are just around the corner! Struggling to figure out what to get the podcaster in your life? Or perhaps the podcaster lover in your life? Look no further! We’re here to guide you on the best types of gifts to get podcasters and podcast lovers alike. Equipment They’ll Love There’s a […]

The post The Podcaster Gift Guide appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

The holidays, and sales, are just around the corner! Struggling to figure out what to get the podcaster in your life? Or perhaps the podcaster lover in your life? Look no further! We’re here to guide you on the best types of gifts to get podcasters and podcast lovers alike.

Equipment They’ll Love

There’s a surprising amount of tech podcasters can use to up their recording game. Most podcasters start simple – a mic and a computer. But they can always benefit from accessories that help to improve the sound of their recordings and make it easier to make their show.


An essential part of recording a podcast is the microphone. Chances are that the podcaster in your life has a microphone, but consider these options for those who are using their computer microphones or a beat-up headset.

Recording Software

Another essential part of creating a podcast is the recording software. There are plenty of free options available, but purchasing a gift subscription or gift card to purchase one of these professional tools.

  • Logic Pro: An Apple product. We recommend purchasing an App Store Gift Card in order to gift this tool.
  • Adobe Audition: An Adobe product. We recommend purchasing and setting up an account for the recipient.
  • Reaper: Reaper provides a code to be used once purchased. Simply forward the code to the recipient! (We recommend entering the recipient’s name and email address when purchasing, if possible.)
Hosting Platform

One last essential piece to hosting a podcast is finding it a home on the web. Hosting Platforms, like RedCircle, allow folks to upload and share their content with the world!

To purchase a subscription, you most likely will need to create an account in their name and set up the subscription. (RedCircle’s subscriptions are set to auto-renew, so be sure that the recipient cancels before the date of renewal.) 


Podcasters use headphones to monitor their sound levels and audio quality in real-time when recording. It also helps to keep the more distractible folks on track during recording sessions. At the very least, you want to select headphones that are comfortable and have good audio quality.

  • Audio Technica offers both wired and wireless headphones that are comfortable and of great quality. Headphones range from $50 USD to $350+ USD. Their Studio headphones in particular are great for podcasting!
  • Sennheiser is another comfortable and stylish option (and a personal favorite of some folks on the RedCircle team!) Prices range from $50 USD to $500+ USD.
  • Sony is also a wonderful option for podcasting and other media like video games and video recording. You can pick up super budget-friendly $20 headphones or splurge on some $300+ ones. However, we recommend going with the oh-so-comfy WH (wireless) models.
  • Apple Airpods are also a great option (seems like almost everyone has a pair or two!) Prices for AirPods go from about $130 to $550.
Pop Filters & Windscreens

These clip-on accessories help to significantly reduce noise from plosive speech. Though windscreens are typically meant for outdoor noises, they can be helpful when recording indoors, too.

Pop filters typically attach to desks and sit in front of the microphone while windscreens look like foam microphone covers.

Neither of these accessories are ultra-expensive, so they’re worth the small investment. You can find them on Amazon, Best Buy, and other places that specialize in tech.

Microphone Stands

While it’s possible to record an entire episode holding up a microphone, it’s way less comfortable of a position. There are some mics that are able to stand up on their own, so that’s always an option instead.

Similar to pop filters and windscreens, mic stands aren’t terribly expensive and can help to elevate their podcasting setup. You can find suitable stands on Amazon, Best Buy, and any other place that specializes in tech.


A mixer helps to create much higher-level audio as it allows better control of the input of each mic hooked up to it. It also helps to reduce the time spent editing as it can adjust the volume right on the fly. It can even add sound effects during the recording!

Here are some of the most popular options:

  • RødeCaster Pro – Wildly popular with podcasters, the RødCaster Pro series offers a good deal of features to improve audio.
  • Focusrite – In particular their Scarlett series, which is generally popular among musicians and podcasters alike, is a great option to control voice levels and make it sound much brighter.
  • Mackie – A legendary brand in sound and audio design offers a host of pro-level products. Not only do they often set the standard for products, their prices can range from budget-friendly $70 USD to network-deep-pockets $800. There’s an option for every type of podcaster.

Show Your Support

Another fantastic way to share the holiday cheer is to donate or subscribe to your podcast friends’ shows! RedCircle offers the ability to donate directly to your favorite show or purchase a subscription to unlock Exclusive Content.

This also makes a great gift for the podcast lover in your life! If they enjoy a specific podcast and it offers exclusive content, consider purchasing a subscription for that podcaster to gift to the listener. On RedCircle, we recommend making an account and purchasing directly from there. Then, simply share the login information and pass the account over to the recipient. (RedCircle’s exclusive content subscriptions are set to auto-renew, so be sure that the recipient cancels before the date of renewal.)

There are plenty of ways to celebrate the holidays this year with podcasters and listeners alike! Take advantage of Black Friday deals and gift them something they’ll love!

The post The Podcaster Gift Guide appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

How to Interview Guests for Your Podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-interview-guests-for-your-podcast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-interview-guests-for-your-podcast Tue, 24 Oct 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=766 Interviewing guests on your show is a marvelous way to introduce more perspectives on your topic, reach a wider audience, and network within the podcasting industry!  There are really only upsides to inviting a guest to speak on your show. Having a guest on your show does require some forethought, though. Not only do you […]

The post How to Interview Guests for Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Interviewing guests on your show is a marvelous way to introduce more perspectives on your topic, reach a wider audience, and network within the podcasting industry!  There are really only upsides to inviting a guest to speak on your show.

Having a guest on your show does require some forethought, though. Not only do you want to ensure an entertaining episode for your audience, you also want to make sure it’s a pleasant experience for the guest! These tips should help you to prepare and pull off an unforgettable episode!

Before the Interview

The best piece of advice we can offer is preparation. Preparing goes beyond compiling a list of questions, it means diving into your guests’ works and truly understanding the value they bring to your topic. 

Research Your Guest

Be sure to do your homework! Research your guest: what works have they accomplished? What are their opinions on the subject? What have others said about them? Diving deeply into your guest and their work can help you craft questions that explore the chosen topic at length. 

Check out some of their other interviews for ideas, too. Listening to previous interviews your guest has given allows you to form more unique and interesting questions. Avoid the ones asked over and over again, and instead focus on something less explored. This won’t only be a treat for your listeners but for the guest too!

Mind Your P’s and Q’s

Once you’ve done your research, you’re well-prepared to compile your list of questions. You want to think of the interview as a story; you and your guest are constructing a story together, one that will captivate your collective audience. So, choose questions that allow for good back-and-forth. Open-ended questions work best for this rather than yes/no ones. The latter type of question doesn’t leave much room for conversation!

It’s also vital to keep in mind that you don’t ask any “leading” questions. These types of questions (sometimes) subtly direct the guest to give a desired answer. You want the interview to be an authentic exchange.

And finally, dig into the why and how of an answer. Go beyond hearing that your guest accomplished something, ask them how they did it and what drove them to do so. Digging deeper creates a much richer discussion that will have your listeners hanging on to every word.

Don’t forget to share the questions with your guest before the interview so they have time to think them over!

Do a Little Self-Promo

You’re not the only one who should be prepared! Brief your guest on your show: let them know what you’re about, what subject you’re exploring, and the demographics of your audience. Giving them that information upfront allows them to tailor their answers to your audience. 

During the Interview

Hopefully, you’ll be well-prepared by the time the interview rolls around! With your list of questions in hand, you’re ready to conduct an amazing interview with your guest. But before you rush on with the questions, allow your guest to get comfortable with you and your audience. Joke with them or ask how they’ve been doing lately. Give them space to be a real person with thoughts other than the subject you’re discussing. This also helps your audience quickly get to know your guest and feel connected with them in the same way they connect with you.

Once your guest is comfortable, you can jump into your questions! Remember, you and your guest are collaborating on a story together. You’re weaving a tale where they play a major role. In addition to asking the right questions, you need to make sure you’re actively listening to their answers, not just nodding along and moving on to the next question on your list. 

Being an active listener can also help to keep the interview as authentic as possible. Don’t be afraid to stray away from your prepared list of questions if a particular answer piques your interest. Ask follow-up questions to help expand the thought and get to the heart of it.

After the Interview

Even though the interview is winding down, there are still some final things to complete. First and foremost, be sure to thank your guest for taking the time to speak with you! This can be done verbally after you stop recording, or a quick email expressing your gratitude, or even a small gift (if it’s relevant to the show or their work.) Thanking your guests is key if you want them to be a guest again, or even to recommend their peers appear on your show.

Give your guest time at the end of the interview to promote their work to your audience. Be sure that they share their social media handles, website, or any other contact information so your audience can follow them, too.

Lastly, when uploading the podcast to your hosting platform, be sure to add in your guest’s information in your show notes. Link to their website, their socials, or any other relevant links so your audience can easily find them. Encourage your guest to post about the episode in their own social media circles to increase listenership, too.

Inviting folks to guest on your show can be a wonderful experience for your audience, your guest, and yourself! It’s a worthwhile way to inject freshness into your podcast and expand your audience. With these tips, you’ll be an interviewing champ in no time!

The post How to Interview Guests for Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

How to Pick a Topic for Your Podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-pick-a-topic-for-your-podcast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-pick-a-topic-for-your-podcast Fri, 13 Oct 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=739 You’ve gathered your tech materials, figured out where you’re going to host, and have practiced your intro into your hairbrush every morning since. But now you’ve come to realize that you don’t exactly know what you’re going to podcast about. You know you want to podcast, but you’re not entirely sure what you want to […]

The post How to Pick a Topic for Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

You’ve gathered your tech materials, figured out where you’re going to host, and have practiced your intro into your hairbrush every morning since. But now you’ve come to realize that you don’t exactly know what you’re going to podcast about. You know you want to podcast, but you’re not entirely sure what you want to tell your audience. Sound familiar? If so, then it sounds like this article may be just the thing you need.

In order to have a successful podcast, you need to make sure that it’s planned thoughtfully. A part of planning your podcast is coming up with the topic you want to spend time on. So, let’s dive in and help you discover your topic!

Passion Above All Else

Growing up, you may have heard the famous quote, “Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” from the adults in your life. The same can be applied to podcasting; talking about a subject you’re passionate about can carry your podcast to incredible heights.

Think about what piques your interest. What makes you stop in the middle of your day and really go, huh? Ask yourself why you want to podcast. What’s the thing burning inside you that you just have to share with the rest of the world?

Looking inward and discovering what’s important to you will help you find your perfect topic. An engaged and passionate host creates an engaged and passionate community of listeners!

Testing the Waters

The beauty of podcasting, and any art really, is the ability to try and try again. It’s not uncommon to start a podcast and learn that you’re not as into the subject as you thought. Don’t see these ventures as failures, though! Instead, see them as successes as you learned all the nuances of podcasting while testing the topic. So, when you find the topic that fits you best, you’ll be more than ready to produce it.

Finding Your Place in the Space

There are between 3 to 4 million podcasts currently available worldwide. So, it’s not unreasonable that you share a topic with another show. And that’s totally okay! The key is to find a “niche” for your podcast. Make your topic less general and more specific. Create a podcast with a specific audience in mind. Instead of just creating a show about cooking, create a show about cooking for college students. Focus your recipes on the challenges of cooking in a dorm and/or on a budget.

Finding a niche will help you to stand out amongst the other shows (and lends itself nicely to SEO practices!)

Creating a hyper-specific show allows for a dedicated, passionate community to grow around it!

Deciding on a Format

Podcasts have evolved beyond a couple of friends chatting in their living room. There are interview-style podcasts, long-form fiction podcasts, short and timely news podcasts. The list goes on. Deciding on the format of your content can create a unique listening experience for your audience.

Think about the content you want to talk about to help you figure out the format. Are you covering a sports team or a political movement? Then it might make more sense to make your show short and timely. If you’re really digging deep into the topic and the content could remain relevant for years to come, then a long-form podcast could be the way to go.

The type of content you want to produce will help you to determine the format for your show!

Podcasting can be a huge joy in life! And finding the right topic that you’re passionate about can help to create a show unique to you and your audience.

If you’re ready to launch your show, then give RedCircle a try! We’d love to help you on your journey to new podcasting heights!

The post How to Pick a Topic for Your Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Business https://redcircle.com/blog/why-you-should-start-a-podcast-for-your-business/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=why-you-should-start-a-podcast-for-your-business Tue, 03 Oct 2023 20:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=715 Podcasts have been booming for the past few years – a recent study from Edison Research reports that 75% of Americans aged 12 and older listen to online audio in a typical month, with 70% listening in a typical week! If that’s not reason enough to start a podcast for your business, then let us convince […]

The post Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Business appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Podcasts have been booming for the past few years – a recent study from Edison Research reports that 75% of Americans aged 12 and older listen to online audio in a typical month, with 70% listening in a typical week! If that’s not reason enough to start a podcast for your business, then let us convince you in this blog!

Build Your Brand

Podcasting is an incredible way to build awareness of your business. But it’s more than just another marketing avenue. Podcasts are a unique medium as they often create an intimate and personal connection between host and listener. Studies have shown that listeners greatly trust the word of their favorite hosts, especially when hearing about brands and companies. Unlike blog articles and other mediums of the written word, podcasting allows you to create a closer relationship with your audience. Your expertise and passion are delivered directly to their ears rather than being interpreted through their own biases while reading.

Starting a podcast for your business can help establish yourself as an expert in your industry. The format allows you to explore topics thoroughly and provide thoughtful insights during discussion. Inviting other expert guests only helps to solidify your place in your chosen industry as it shows your ability to network with other leaders.

Hosting a podcast also easily demonstrates your passion for the subject you’re speaking about. Your tone, your tangents, and your advice are all coated with your spirited enthusiasm. It’s much easier to detect levels of passion when listening rather than reading. Listeners can truly grasp your words when hearing them!

How to Create a Podcast

Now that launching a podcast seems to be the right move for your business, you may be wondering what that entails exactly. How do you record it? Where do you post it? What should it be called? How often should you create episodes?

These questions are common amongst all beginner podcast creators whether they’re doing it for fun or want to make it part of their full-time job. Podcasting seems deceptively simple, you just pick up a microphone and start talking. But many folks are caught off-guard by the effort needed to create and maintain a podcast. Not to worry, though! Here at RedCircle, we’re all about making things as easy as possible!

We’ve written an extensive guide meant to help you create an awesome podcast! The key to creating such a podcast is the 5 P’s:

  • Plan
  • Prepare
  • Practice
  • Publish
  • Prosper

Put simply, you need to put some time into planning, preparing, and practicing your podcast before you even think about picking up a microphone. Following these guidelines will help to set you off on a better foot!

Where to Host Your Podcast

There are tons of options when it comes to hosting platforms! We, of course, have our own bias, but we do recommend finding a home for your show that marks all your checkboxes.

Not sure what those checkboxes should be? No problem, we’ve got you covered with what to look for when deciding on where to host your podcast. The top things to look for? We suggest growth & monetization tools, basic hosting capabilities like unlimited storage, and ease of distribution.

Ready to take the plunge and start podcasting for your business? You can get started for free (yes, actually free) right here on RedCircle.

The post Why You Should Start a Podcast for Your Business appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

All the Equipment You Need to Start a Podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/all-the-equipment-you-need-to-start-a-podcast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=all-the-equipment-you-need-to-start-a-podcast Wed, 20 Sep 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=678 Creating the idea for a podcast might be easy, but knowing what equipment you should start off with may be more challenging than you’d expect. Not to worry, though! We’ve got you covered with all the equipment you’ll need to start your podcast. From the bare essentials to all the bells and whistles, this article […]

The post All the Equipment You Need to Start a Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Creating the idea for a podcast might be easy, but knowing what equipment you should start off with may be more challenging than you’d expect.

Not to worry, though! We’ve got you covered with all the equipment you’ll need to start your podcast. From the bare essentials to all the bells and whistles, this article details everything you could possibly need to share your voice with the world.

Essential Equipment

It can seem pretty obvious what you might need to get started but it doesn’t hurt to get some recommendations, especially if you’re on a budget.


Let’s start with the equipment needed to capture your lovely voice! Arguably the most important piece of tech for podcast creation, there’s a wide array of microphones to choose from. We recommend sticking with either a USB or XLR microphone as those are universally compatible with a multitude of tech. Check out our recommendations for each budget:

  • FreeYour computer or phone’s mic. If you’re just starting out, then recording your podcast on the built-in microphone on your computer or phone is a good option. It’s free and there’s no setup needed! However, the quality of the audio is usually pretty poor as it can pick up the sounds around you.
    If you like the idea of a (somewhat) free microphone, then we suggest using headphones or earbuds with built-in mics. Those do a much better job of limiting outside noise!
  • $50 to $100 USD – For those who have a little extra money to spend on their podcast, these are some great options that bring your audio to new levels. They produce higher-quality audio without breaking the bank.
    Blue Snowball
    Audio-Technica ATR2100
    Samson Meteor Mic (Stands on its own, and is a personal recommendation from our CX Manager!)

There are plenty of mics to choose from! If you’re just starting off podcasting and see it more as a hobby, then we recommend either one of the free or under $50 options. But if you’re interested in podcasting as a long-term gig, then we recommend one of the $50 to $100+ options.

Computers & Other Devices

The second most important piece of technology needed for podcasting is the computer (or phone or tablet) to capture, edit, and store your thoughts. Choose the one you’re the most comfortable with to get started.

  • Computers – We recommend starting with the computer already at your fingertips. Apple Macbooks (both Air and Pro versions) are always a good choice, especially since they come with built-in podcasting software like Garageband. Truly, though, any laptop or desktop should be capable of producing a podcast.
  • Phones – Smartphones are a budget-friendly option as typically everyone has one. However, be sure to keep in mind that this is a pretty limiting option. While almost every smartphone comes with a recording tool, Sound Recorder for Android and Voice Memo for iOS, the ability to edit recordings is narrow.
  • Tablets – Tablets are a nice in-between device as they’re not quite a computer nor a phone. They’re typically lightweight and easy to transport. You can also use recording and editing software like Garageband on these devices. 

It’s recommended to use a computer as it provides the most flexibility. Though phones and tablets will get the job done!

Recording Software

With your mic and device in hand (possibly even the same hand), you’re ready to record your debut episode! You’ll need recording software to store and edit your episodes, though. We have plenty of great recommendations below.

  • Free – There are a ton of wonderful free options available for recording and editing a podcast. Our two favorites are Garageband and Audacity. Garageband comes free with Apple computers and iPads, which is a huge plus. And Audacity is an open-source tool that’s popular among both hobbyist and professional podcasters. You can’t go wrong with either option (especially at their price point!)
  • Paid – If you’re looking for something with a bit more power, then we recommend tools like Logic Pro, Adobe Audition, Reaper, and Hidenburg Journalist Pro. Each comes with a robust set of features that allow you to really dive into editing. They all also have fantastic support resources so you can intimately learn the product.

Whether it’s free or paid, a recording software will allow you to edit and style your show as you see fit. It’s a definite must when it comes to podcasting!

Hosting Platforms

And finally, you need a place to actually publish your podcast! Check out our blog, How to Select the Best Hosting Platform for You, for tips on how to choose the right podcast hosting platform.

Some quick highlights on what to look for when choosing a home for your podcast, just in case:

  • Plenty of monetization tools
  • Tools to help grow your podcast
  • The ability to easily distribute your podcast
  • A generous deal when it comes to storage
  • Unique & powerful features
  • Fair pricing
  • And a superb support team

It can be tough to choose a platform, that’s why we offer a totally free 7-Day trial for our plans. That way you can try out all aspects of our platform and see if it’s really the right fit for you.


Once you have the essentials you can start to up your game with a few nice-to-have tools. These tools will upgrade your audio to a whole new level of professionalism.


Podcasters use headphones to monitor their sound levels and audio quality in real-time when recording. It also helps to keep the more distractible folks among us to keep on track during recording sessions. At the very least, you want to select headphones that are comfortable and have good audio quality. Everything else is up to you!

You don’t need to break the bank to find a good set of headphones (or even earbuds!) Let’s take a look at some favorite brands!

  • Audio Technica offers both wired and wireless headphones that are comfortable and great quality. Headphones range from $50 USD to $350+ USD. Their Studio headphones in particular are great for podcasting!
  • Sennheiser is another comfortable and stylish option (and a personal favorite of some folks on the RedCircle team!) Prices range from $50 USD to $500+ USD.
  • Sony is also a wonderful option for podcasting and other media like video games and video recording. You can pick up super budget-friendly $20 headphones or splurge on some $300+ ones. However, we recommend going with the oh-so-comfy WH (wireless) models.
  • Apple Airpods are also a great option (seems like almost everyone has a pair or two!) Prices for AirPods go from about $130 to $550.
Pop Filters & Windscreens

These clip-on accessories help to significantly reduce noise from plosive speech. Meaning your popping p’s won’t be as harsh on your listeners’ ears. Though windscreens are typically meant for outdoor noises, they can be helpful when recording indoors, too.

Pop filters typically attach to your desk and sit in front of your mic while windscreens look like foam microphone covers.

Neither of these accessories are ultra-expensive, so they’re worth the small investment. You can find them on Amazon, Best Buy, and other places that specialize in tech.

Mic Stand

While you can record an entire episode holding your microphone, your arm will definitely thank you for purchasing a stand to hold up your mic. There are some mics that are able to stand up on their own, so that’s always an option instead.

Similar to pop filters and windscreens, mic stands aren’t terribly expensive and can help to elevate your podcasting setup. You can find suitable stands on Amazon, Best Buy, and any other place that specializes in tech.

The Professional Picks

It’s entirely not necessary to utilize these tools, but they certainly help to make your podcast one of super high quality. We generally recommend purchasing these accessories once you get the hang of podcasting and are fully committed. Careful not to jump the gun!

When you’re ready to commit, then these professional podcasting components are excellent ways to really make a difference.


A mixer helps you to create much higher-level audio as it allows you to control the input of each mic hooked up to it. It also helps to reduce the time spent editing as you can adjust volume right on the fly. Heck, you can even add in sound effects right as you’re recording!

Here are some of the most popular options:

  • RødeCaster Pro – Wildly popular with podcasters, the RødCaster Pro series offers a good deal of features to improve your audio.
  • Focusrite – In particular their Scarlett series, which is generally popular among musicians and podcasters alike, is a great option to control the levels of your voice and make it sound much brighter.
  • Mackie – A legendary brand in sound and audio design offers a host of pro-level products. Not only do they often set the standard for products, their prices can range from budget-friendly $70 USD to network-deep-pockets $800. There’s an option for every type of podcaster.
Acoustic Treatment

Pop filters, windscreens, and mics can only do so much to negate the noise from the outside world. If you want to create a high-quality podcast with little background noise, then sound treating and soundproofing are the way to go.

We talk about how to sound treat your home studio space in one of our earlier blog posts. There are a good amount of options to choose from when sound treating or soundproofing your recording area. For a more professional feel, opt for foam acoustic treatments to absorb all the extra sound. Foam panels are meant for a more permanent space, so be sure you’re satisfied with your setup before purchasing!

Podcasting is an exciting endeavor! We hope that this guide helps you to figure out what you need to get started or to up your game.

If you ever want to enhance your podcasting experience, then why not give RedCircle a try? You can sign up for free, or try out one of our plans for 7 days. We’d love to host you!

The post All the Equipment You Need to Start a Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

How to Select the Best Hosting Platform for You https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-select-the-best-hosting-platform-for-you/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-select-the-best-hosting-platform-for-you https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-select-the-best-hosting-platform-for-you/#comments Fri, 08 Sep 2023 15:55:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=667 Close to the beginning of the 3rd Millennium (circa early 2000s), what would become modern podcasting began to bloom. Folks from all over the world started sharing their thoughts, opinions, and voice recordings across the World Wide Web. Many of these proto-podcasters “self-hosted” their blogging shows. Soon, RSS 2.0 took flight and various platforms popped […]

The post How to Select the Best Hosting Platform for You appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Close to the beginning of the 3rd Millennium (circa early 2000s), what would become modern podcasting began to bloom. Folks from all over the world started sharing their thoughts, opinions, and voice recordings across the World Wide Web. Many of these proto-podcasters “self-hosted” their blogging shows. Soon, RSS 2.0 took flight and various platforms popped up to help everyone start their very own shows.

The biggest question for podcasters today is “What platform should I use to host my show?” With dozens of options to choose from, we’ve created this guide to help you understand what to look for when considering a podcast hosting platform that best suits your individual needs.

What is a “Podcast Host” Anyways?

Put simply, a Podcast Hosting website is a place where you can create and upload your show without having to do all the technical work yourself. You don’t need to worry about configuring your RSS Feed, figuring out how to store the files online, or any other technical know-how. You just upload your audio files and the host does the rest!

What to look for in a Podcast Hosting Platform

There are tons of interesting features being offered by many different hosting platforms. Some features are essential while others are more of a “nice-to-have”. To find the best fit, you’ll want to consider what features are most important to you and at what price point. While most hosting platforms share similar features, the plans in which these features are unlocked can differ wildly.

Let’s take a look at what we consider to be the most important features for podcasting!

Monetization Tools

Podcasting is a truly excellent way to earn some additional income, or even make it your primary one! A key feature to keep in mind when selecting a podcasting host is the ability to monetize your show.

Some platforms offer the ability to create listener subscriptions, others only provide ad revenue, while others, like RedCircle, offer multiple ways to monetize your podcast. In addition, some hosting platforms bar entry to their monetization tools unless you’re a paid member. Folks on RedCircle can opt in to our monetization services at any plan level.

We recommend diversifying your revenue streams, so look for a hosting platform that provides plenty of options to monetize your show. For example, our platform allows you to create Exclusive Content for subscribers, accept donations from listeners, opt in to both Programmatic and Host-Read Ads, and utilize Dynamic Insertion to run off-platform campaigns. The more ways to earn revenue, the more you’ll make!

Growth Tools

Growth goes hand-in-hand with monetization tools, so it’s important to watch for hosting platforms that offer growth tools as well. Features like comprehensive analytics and the ability to promote your show on another partner podcast are excellent ways to grow your show.

Analytics that provide a surprising number of ways to understand your show and help it grow are what you want. You can utilize these analytics to figure out where your audience is listening from, what sort of content resonates with them, what devices and apps they prefer to use, and so much more. Take advantage of the data to decipher what’s working and what isn’t.

It’s also important to make sure that the analytics follow the IAB guidelines. These guidelines were created to unify how data is measured across the podcasting industry. If your host of choice doesn’t follow these guidelines, then your data may differ significantly from other hosting platforms (and even some advertisers!) Don’t fret if they’re not specifically certified as certification often costs a large amount of money. As long as they state that they compile with IAB guidelines, then you’re good to go! 

Another way to grow your podcast is to partner with another to promote one another’s shows. Some hosting platforms offer a feature where you can match with podcasts on the same platform to promote each other. You can also do this organically through social media! Networking is an absolute must if you want to effectively grow your podcast!

Look for platforms that provide you with multiple ways and various insights to grow your podcast.

Ease of Distribution

Another feature that is necessary for the previously mentioned ones! You can’t grow or monetize your podcast without first populating it on the various listening platforms. Most, if not all, podcast hosting platforms offer the ability to share your RSS Feed with listening platforms. The important question is to ask how easy is it to achieve distribution?

Some platforms (like ours) automatically distribute your show to a variety of listening platforms. And if they don’t automatically distribute, then they typically provide clear guides on how to easily set up distribution. If you’re importing your show and moving to a new podcast hosting platform, then most make it relatively simple to ensure the various listening platforms update accordingly. This is usually automatic through the use of redirection. (Though be sure that your host doesn’t charge for the ability to import podcasts, which some do!)

Luckily, almost every podcast hosting platform makes this feature pretty straightforward!

Storage & Other Hosting Capabilities

The main job of a podcast hosting platform is to, well, host your podcast. You want to find one that gives you a generous deal when it comes to storage. This includes the number of total episodes, the number of podcasts on one account, amount of downloads, and more. Some podcast hosting platforms only give you a few hours or so of upload time per month (even on their paid plans!) Other hosting platforms, like RedCircle, allow you to upload as many episodes as you wish with as many downloads as you can imagine – all on the free plan!

To get the most out of your podcast hosting platform, be sure to select one that allows you an ample amount of storage. Otherwise, you may not be able to grow your podcast in the way you want!

Unique & Powerful Features

While this category can be seen as more of a “nice-to-have”, having access to powerful podcast tools like Customizable Dynamic Insertion, Multi-Account Logins, a thriving Ad Marketplace, and a litany of other notable features gives you the best edge to help your podcast soar to new heights.

Our advice is to pause for a moment and think about the features that are the most important to you. Be sure to also weigh the cost of those features and how that measures against your budget. While some podcast hosting platforms have some great features, the price tag that comes with it sometimes isn’t so great.

Pricing Within Your Budget

Like we mentioned above, some podcast hosting platforms boast an abundance of neat tools, but then lock them behind expensive paywalls that don’t quite create the best value for you. If you can, see if you’re able to sign up for a Free Trial (much like you can on RedCircle) so you’re able to test out all of the features before you fully commit.

Support & Resources 

And finally, we believe it’s incredibly important to select a podcast hosting platform with a stellar support team! Check out their Help Centers to see what sort of helpful content they provide and how easy it is to contact them if you ever need help. Maybe they even have a blog (*wink wink*) that posts frequently all about podcasting and how to best utilize their platform.

You want a support team that responds the same day!

It can be overwhelming to figure out what podcast hosting platform is the right fit for you. They all offer cool features and great benefits. But a podcast host with plenty of flexibility and a proven track record is hard to beat.

The post How to Select the Best Hosting Platform for You appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

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The Dos and Don’ts of Co-Hosting a Podcast https://redcircle.com/blog/the-dos-and-donts-of-co-hosting-a-podcast/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-dos-and-donts-of-co-hosting-a-podcast Thu, 08 Jun 2023 15:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=526 Starting a podcast is great. Starting a podcast with a friend is even better! Partnering with someone to create a show benefits you, your co-host, and your podcast in a myriad of ways. You help keep each other accountable and motivated, your different perspectives and skills add balance, and you each have strengths that help […]

The post The Dos and Don’ts of Co-Hosting a Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Starting a podcast is great. Starting a podcast with a friend is even better! Partnering with someone to create a show benefits you, your co-host, and your podcast in a myriad of ways. You help keep each other accountable and motivated, your different perspectives and skills add balance, and you each have strengths that help propel the podcast to success.

It’s easy to say you want to start a podcast with a friend, but actually starting it can be tough. For this reason, we’ve created the Dos and Dont’s of Co-Hosting a Podcast. Read on to learn more!

Don’t: Be Unprepared

No one likes to work with a partner who just strolls up into the recording booth without any idea of the day’s episode. Do your homework! Whether you’re an expert on the topic or not, do some research before recording so you can carry on a conversation with your co-host. They’ll appreciate your readiness and it’ll make for an engaging episode!

Do: Plan Together Beforehand

Be careful not to completely run the show (unless you both agreed to that!) It’s important to check in regularly with each other to plan upcoming episodes. Figure out what the topics are that you want, or don’t want, to discuss. Open communication is key when hosting a podcast together!

Don’t: Talk Over Each Other

We get it! You’re both stoked about starting a podcast and want to gush about the topic. But don’t forget to give each other space to talk. Your listeners want to hear an equal give-and-take, not a fight for who gets to speak. Talking over each other doesn’t make for a great listening experience!

Do: Use Non-Verbal Communication & Listen

So, how do you make sure you give each other enough space to share your thoughts? Try using hand signals, nods, and any non-verbal communication to let your co-host know that you have something to say after they’re done. Be sure to agree beforehand on what signals to use so you don’t confuse each other!

It’s also crucial to actively listen to your co-host during recording. This helps to keep a natural conversation going. If you’re staring at your notes, or worrying about what you’re going to say next, then you might miss an opportunity to create great content with one another. You may end up fumbling the flow of the conversation. Be sure to pay attention!

Don’t: Make Your Co-Host Do All the Work

Remember group projects in school way back when? Someone not “pulling their weight” was a dreaded fear for most students. Don’t push off all the work onto your co-host! Podcasting is more than just recording; it’s editing, writing, marketing, technical work, and more. It takes a lot of effort to create exceptional shows. Pitch in and don’t let your partner burn out!

Do: Split Up Responsibilities

Play to your strengths and skills by splitting up the tasks required to create a podcast. For example, one of you could be in charge of editing the podcast while the other handles uploading it to your podcast hosting platform. Or, one of you could be responsible for managing all Host-Read Ad campaigns while the other handles the more technical aspects like Dynamic Insertion.

For the most efficient way to co-create a podcast, we recommend taking advantage of multi-login features like Team Seats! With Team Seats, both you and your co-host have the ability to edit, upload, and manage your podcast(s). The best part is that neither of you need to share your private login credentials as you would both have your own accounts.

In the end, the most important thing to keep in mind is to respect one another. You can’t create a podcast with someone you don’t get along with. Respecting and appreciating each other’s time, opinions, and effort can go a long way in creating a fantastic show!

So, why not send this article to the friend you’ve always wanted to start a podcast with! You know, as a gentle hint. 😉

The post The Dos and Don’ts of Co-Hosting a Podcast appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

How to Market Your Podcast & Grow Your Audience in 2023 https://redcircle.com/blog/how-to-market-your-podcast-grow-your-audience-in-2023/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-market-your-podcast-grow-your-audience-in-2023 Thu, 18 May 2023 16:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=500 Podcasting is an exciting endeavor! But with so much competition out there, it can be challenging to grow your audience and stand out. However, there are many effective marketing strategies that can help you build a community of loyal listeners and take your podcast to the next level. In this article, we’ll explore powerful tactics […]

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Podcasting is an exciting endeavor! But with so much competition out there, it can be challenging to grow your audience and stand out. However, there are many effective marketing strategies that can help you build a community of loyal listeners and take your podcast to the next level. In this article, we’ll explore powerful tactics for marketing your podcast and growing your audience. From exploring social media and engaging with your listeners, to collaborating with other podcasters and influencers. Whether you’re just starting or curious about further growing your audience, these tips will help you get the results you want.

Build a Strong Foundation for Your Podcast

Your podcast’s success largely depends on how well you lay its foundation. Shows without direction won’t garner an audience. You should have a clear and defined idea on what you want your podcast to be. This doesn’t only include the audio content of your show, but its look and its audience.

To grab the attention of your target audience, it’s important to identify your podcast’s niche early on. Determine the type of content you’ll be producing, your podcast’s theme, and the topics you’ll be discussing. Then, identify your ideal listener and tailor your content to them. Doing this will enable you to create a more focused podcast that speaks directly to your audience.

After figuring out the direction of your podcast, it’s time to create some complementary visual content. Your podcast’s brand image and messaging should be consistent and easily recognizable. Design a logo, choose a color scheme, and develop a tagline that embodies your podcast’s vibe and essence. Use these elements on all your social media accounts, website, and marketing materials.

You may want to immediately start with the best equipment, but be careful not to be fooled into thinking the better the equipment the better the podcast. The quality of the content is far more important than the quality of the audio. Of course, this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t care about audio quality at all. Weigh your options and find the equipment that works best for you and your budget!

Finally, be sure to post your content consistently. Listeners may lose interest and drop off if they’re unsure whether new episodes are coming.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to provide value to your audience. Whether that’s through insightful interviews, engaging stories, or useful information, your listeners need to feel that your podcast is worth their time and attention. By focusing on providing value and creating a community around your podcast, you’ll be well on your way to success!

Engage Your Audience

An audience can make or break a podcast. Take the time to invest in building a community of loyal listeners and you’ll surely be rewarded. It’s easy to say you need to build an audience, but how does one go about that anyways? Simple! Meet them where they are. Interact with your audience on social media, create a blog where they can get more information on your episodes, or create a newsletter to keep them in the loop about your show. The more vocal you are online about your podcast, the more people will be drawn in.

Social media is an excellent way to promote your podcast and engage with your audience. Share your podcast episodes on all platforms, engage with your followers, and encourage them to share your content. Be sure to create content they can share with their followers! There’s a wide variety of shareable content you can create like audiograms, infographics, blog posts, video clips, and more.

Some folks enjoy receiving emails (we know a few of us even enjoy good old snail mail!) Email newsletters are a great way to keep your listeners informed about new episodes, events, and special promotions. Regular promotional emails can help you to convert subscribers into loyal listeners. A great example to look to is Les from Balanced Black Girl. She created an email newsletter that complements her podcast. Using it to keep her audience informed on everything she does.

Be sure not to let those audience engagements go to waste! Encourage subscribers to leave reviews and ratings by including calls-to-action in your social posts, emails, etc. You can also offer incentives, such as exclusive content or discounts, to encourage subscribers to spread the word about your podcast.

Network and Build Relationships

Podcasting creates a unique community among creators. One of the best highlights is the ability to easily collaborate with thousands of people doing the same thing you do!

One of the easiest, and quickest, ways to begin collaborating is to invite guests onto your show. Their audience will want to tune in to the episode of your show they’re featured on. Both of you may gain permanent listeners through a single episode!

An even easier way to promote each others’ shows is to participate in a Cross-Promotion campaign. You simply record a promotion for your show, share it with your partner, and it automatically runs on their show until a set number of downloads is met.

Finally, attending podcasting events and conferences is a great way to network with other podcasters, learn from industry experts, and generate buzz for your own podcast. Do some research online to find events that are relevant to your niche and budget. Look for events that offer panel discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities. One of the best places to network in the podcasting industry is by attending Podcast Movement or Podcast Movement Evolutions (the former being the world’s largest podcaster event!) Check out Podcast Movement in August 2023 and Evolutions in March 2024. See the Podcast Movement website for more details!

Before attending an event or conference, it’s important to prepare some souvenirs of your podcast for everyone you meet. These could include business cards, stickers, or other branded content.

At the event, take advantage of the opportunity to meet other podcasters and industry experts. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself and strike up a conversation with others! Exchange business cards and follow up with new contacts after the event. Building relationships with other podcasters can lead to collaboration opportunities, shared audiences, and exposure for your podcast.

By implementing these marketing strategies, you can build a strong brand, cultivate a loyal following, and take your podcast to new heights. Remember to stay consistent, engage with your audience, and always look for new ways to grow your reach. With dedication, creativity, and a little bit of hustle, you can become a podcasting superstar and make a real impact in your field.

The post How to Market Your Podcast & Grow Your Audience in 2023 appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

RedCircle Joins Podcasting Hosts to Promote Open Podcast Standards https://redcircle.com/blog/redcircle-joins-podcasting-hosts-to-promote-open-podcast-standards/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=redcircle-joins-podcasting-hosts-to-promote-open-podcast-standards Mon, 03 Apr 2023 17:00:00 +0000 https://redcircle.com/blog/?p=472 RedCircle, along with several other hosting platforms, are partnering together to keep podcasting an open medium for all. The Podcast Standards Project is a grassroots effort to keep podcasting open to everyone. RedCircle is proud to support open podcasting as it’s nothing but beneficial to podcasters and listeners alike. Closed platforms remove the choice from […]

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RedCircle, along with several other hosting platforms, are partnering together to keep podcasting an open medium for all.

The Podcast Standards Project is a grassroots effort to keep podcasting open to everyone. RedCircle is proud to support open podcasting as it’s nothing but beneficial to podcasters and listeners alike. Closed platforms remove the choice from creators, from listeners, and from everyone who enjoys podcasting.

The beauty of podcasts is the ability for anyone to pick up a mic and share their unique voice with the world.

You can learn more about the Podcast Standards Project’s proposals and ways to get involved here:

Happy Podcasting!  🗣 🎤 🎧

The post RedCircle Joins Podcasting Hosts to Promote Open Podcast Standards appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Free Podcast Hosting: Too Good to be True? https://redcircle.com/blog/free-podcast-hosting-too-good-to-be-true/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=free-podcast-hosting-too-good-to-be-true https://redcircle.com/blog/free-podcast-hosting-too-good-to-be-true/#comments Wed, 21 Aug 2019 16:58:56 +0000 http://redcircle.com/blog/?p=103 Why is it that we are skeptical of things that are labeled free?  There’s no such thing as a free lunch. You get what you pay for. Nothing in life is free.  It seems we’ve made the collective assumption it’s not possible to get something for nothing. If it’s free there can’t be any value, […]

The post Free Podcast Hosting: Too Good to be True? appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

Why is it that we are skeptical of things that are labeled free? 

There’s no such thing as a free lunch. You get what you pay for. Nothing in life is free. 

It seems we’ve made the collective assumption it’s not possible to get something for nothing. If it’s free there can’t be any value, or there’s got to be a catch. Right? 

Podcasters approach free hosting with the same skepticism. We get it, we’re not a traditional podcasting company. We aren’t trying to pull one over on you. Quite the opposite, we are all about transparency.

Our platform *really* is completely free to use and has everything you need to get your podcast out to the world. This includes: free and unlimited hosting, distribution, analytics and our cross-promotion marketplace to grow your audience. 

It can sound too good to be true and inevitably the next question is: 

“So… what’s in it for you guys?” 

Fair question. The short answer is we don’t want to make money from you, we want to make money together

Our mission isn’t to provide free hosting. Our focus is to partner with creators who are ready to monetize their show and support them as they take their business and podcast to the next level.

Here are the reasons we believe in keeping RedCircle free and how we’re able to do so: 

1 | Podcast hosting is table stakes, it should always be free. 

RedCircle is a podcast growth and monetization platform, hosting is a basic feature that’s included. We didn’t set out to build a SaaS business for podcast hosting—our vision goes far beyond that.

You shouldn’t be paying anyone to host your podcast. Storage and hosting costs have fallen drastically over the past decade and the underlying technology to provide hosting is not complex. 

The bottom line is that it doesn’t cost us much money to host your podcast. We believe in having a business model that reflects that. The companies that are charging a monthly fee to host your podcast are simply charging you rent. They’re not providing any significant innovation. 

We’re here to provide much more value than giving your podcast a place to live. 

2 | Our business model is aligned with you, the creator. 

We want you to focus on what you do best, producing amazing content. We give you innovative tools that help you to develop your brand, grow your audience, and monetize your hard work. 

If you are just starting out, we’ll help you build your audience and get support from your listeners using our tipping feature.  As you continue to grow with us, we’ll also help you find advertising partners.

If you already have an established podcast, we have a team dedicated to getting you in front of brands and helping you find advertising for your show as you continue to expand your audience. 

When we help you make money, we’ll share in the revenue when those connections are made and sustained. We measure our success by making others successful. We only do well when our creators do well

“Wait, I have some questions….”

Am I required to participate in your advertising or cross-promotion programs? 

No, we’ll never force you to use ads and you are free to keep and/or source ad revenue of your own. If we don’t source the advertisement for you, we don’t share that revenue and we would never insert ads into your content without your consent! 

Tell me more about your fees and rev share…

While we do take a small cut when we help you generate revenue, we make sure we give the most money possible to the person who deserves it most: you, the creator. We take a small 4.5% share on tipping revenue and we share 30% of the ad revenue we source for you.  

Do you limit upload speed or bandwidth? 

No, we don’t limit storage space or your streaming bandwidth and you’ll always maintain high-quality audio.

Do I have to host my podcast with RedCircle to use your features? Yes, in order to take advantage of our cross-promotion or monetization features you’ll have to switch from your old host to RedCircle. That said, we’ve made switching easy and painless. The platform walks you through the entire process in a few steps and only takes a few minutes.

Have another question? Send them our way at support@getredcircle.com

You have nothing to lose and lots to gain! Sign up for RedCircle today!

The post Free Podcast Hosting: Too Good to be True? appeared first on RedCircle Blog.

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