Podcasting Tips

The Podcaster Gift Guide

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The holidays, and sales, are just around the corner! Struggling to figure out what to get the podcaster in your life? Or perhaps the podcaster lover in your life? Look no further! We’re here to guide you on the best types of gifts to get podcasters and podcast lovers alike. Equipment They’ll Love There’s a […]

Podcasting Tips

How to Pick a Topic for Your Podcast

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You’ve gathered your tech materials, figured out where you’re going to host, and have practiced your intro into your hairbrush every morning since. But now you’ve come to realize that you don’t exactly know what you’re going to podcast about. You know you want to podcast, but you’re not entirely sure what you want to […]

Podcasting Tips

How to Select the Best Hosting Platform for You

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Close to the beginning of the 3rd Millennium (circa early 2000s), what would become modern podcasting began to bloom. Folks from all over the world started sharing their thoughts, opinions, and voice recordings across the World Wide Web. Many of these proto-podcasters “self-hosted” their blogging shows. Soon, RSS 2.0 took flight and various platforms popped […]

Podcasting Tips

The Dos and Don’ts of Co-Hosting a Podcast

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Starting a podcast is great. Starting a podcast with a friend is even better! Partnering with someone to create a show benefits you, your co-host, and your podcast in a myriad of ways. You help keep each other accountable and motivated, your different perspectives and skills add balance, and you each have strengths that help […]